
「ゼロ秒思考」赤羽雄二 Zero Second Thinking












先日もけっこういろいろともやもや…としていたのですが、メモ書きしてみよう! そして、忘れてよく寝よう!と思い立ち「私が心底『いやや!!』と思っていること」と題して(笑) メモ書きしました。制限時間軽くオーバーしましたが、筆が止まらなかったので気にせず。これは思考訓練ではなく、デトックスなので。





「50枚かいて、腕の方が腱鞘炎になりました。」という猛者もいましたが。それはそれでいいんです。そんなこともあるんですー  そうやって、ネタにできるし☺️





かなーり脱線。頭をクリアにするためにも、感情を吐き出してすっきりするためにも、ゼロ秒思考のメモ書き、続けていきます!! すでに2週間。一日10枚なので、紙がすごい勢いでたまっていく。ついに500枚入りコピー用紙を購入してしまいました。それでも、1ヶ月半分しかないのか…。なにこれ、紙に埋もれた家になる!?

How to write down your thoughts in a minute to help you think better and clear your head, by the author who worked at McKinsey for 14 years.

I had seen this before on a book summary channel, but now that I've actually started doing it, I'm like, "Oh, this is fantastic!"  I've been doing it for a while now. Here is how --

  1. Use an A4 sheet of paper horizontally,
  2. Write the subject in the upper left corner and the date in the upper right corner,
  3. Then, write whatever comes to your mind about the topic.

The one-minute time limit is the key. At first, you may only come up with one sentence. Gradually, more and more thoughts will come to mind as you practice.  Eventually, your thinking will outpace your writing, and you will not be able to write all the things you think. That is, the state of zero-second thinking.

Therefore, you should not extend the time limit.

By doing this, the thoughts that are circling in your head are taken out of your mind, and your brain gets cleansed.  This is because the working memory of the mind can only hold a maximum of three things at a time, and if you put more than three things in there, it will be overloaded and will not function well.

Every day, I think out my thoughts, worries, and feelings, and write them down on 10 sheets of paper, which takes only 10 min, to clear my mind.  It's not something I show to anyone, so I write down proper names and even the blackest feelings that I would never disclose to anyone.

It works very, very well for me!

Especially for people who love to write, who can keep a blog or a diary going, it is very suitable...

Of course, a diary in which you write down various things as your mind wanders has its advantages, but zero-second thinking allows you to think faster, which increases your efficiency at work!  

The other day, I was having a ruminating thought and was feeling frustrated..  So, I thought, "Let's jot it all down. And let's forget about it and get a good night's sleep!"  I titled it "What truly disgusts me", then started writing.  I went over the time limit, but I didn't care because I couldn't stop writing.  It's OK, this particular one is a detox, not a thought exercise.

It was as though I was going to give a one-minute speech, but it turned out to be a couseling session.

I wrote so much.

Still, I felt so refreshed after writing three pages.

There is a Zero Second Thinking writing group at 7:30 am every morning, and I have been attending it every day for 2 weeks in a row!  One of the people who leads the group says, "If you have been through something incredibly unpleasant, and even if you let your momentum write down all the muddled emotions that you couldn't possibly show to others, you would still end up writing only 40 or so pages of notes.  This is often the case because humans are not designed to think about the same thing for an extended period of time.  So, most of the time, after writing about 40 pages, you run out of things to write, and you'd feel at ease.  Well, it depends on the person and what they are writing about, so give it a try." He said.

There was one person who said, "I wrote 50 pages and my arm got tendonitis".  She deserves a prize!  But that's okay.  That's all right.  If that kinda rare thing happened, you could make a unique story out of it. ☺️

This morning activity group has been very helpful.

The leadership is great. The person who is leading this group seems very resilient to stresses, like a hanged cloth (Noren).  He is firmly rooted on the bottom, but he is relaxed and lets the wind blow his leaves and never lets it bother him.  It's like, "Oh, yeah, that happens sometimes.  It's life.  It's okay." And some of the regular faces in the meeting are like that, too. 

Friends and acquaintances with this kind of strong mentality are very precious to have. They are always stable, and even when I am upset, they give me objective advice in a calm and cheerful manner.  They sympathize with me, but never gets dragged down to my negative emotions.  They have strength on their feet.  I sometimes wonder where this extraordinally strong mentality comes from.  Is it nature or nurther?  I feel like I am not dragged down as much as I used to, though.  To be fair, however, I have been helped tremendously by people with high empathy who easily sync with others' emotions.  There are all kinds of people, and that's what makes the world colorful and beautiful!

I digress.  I'm going to keep writing zero-second thinking notes to clear my head and get my emotions out and keep my mind at peace!  Been already 2 weeks. The paper is piling up at an incredible rate as I write 10 sheets a day.  I finally bought a 500-sheet pack of copy paper.  Still, that's only half a month worth... it's exciting to imagine what kind of thoughts will pop up and be written down on them. It's fantastic to be able to visualize my thought processes.  Oof, my room will be full of paper in no time! 

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