
自分に気づく心理学 1 /森晶磨 監修・加藤諦三 Psychology to look deep into yourself




● 愛情欲求を満たされず大人になってしまった人たちはたくさんいる…



これは私見だけれど、こういう「愛情欲求をみたされなかった」というのはゼロ・ヒャク(完全に満たされた、あるいは全く満たされなかった)ではなく、程度問題だと思う。つまり、頻度・程度の形容詞は人それぞれで、それをどのくらい自分がダメージとして受け取ったか、親以外でそれを満たしてくれた人がいたかどうか、などにもよる。「親は、XXX 愛情欲求を満たしてくれた。」という文の、XXXには、頻度や程度が入る。「時々・時間がある時・たまに・ごくたまに・大概の場合において・すごく忙しい時との落差は激しかったが」など…。だから、「親から全く愛されなかったわけではないから、私が愛情欲求を満たされなかったなどと言うのはおこがましい」とは考えなくてよい。程度問題で、どの程度だったか、を考えるべきで、それが自分にとって十分ではなかったのなら、それは十分ではなかったのである。



● 甘えとは…







This book had so much to learn from, even though it's a manga version of a book with the same title.  I'll just excerpt as much as possible. 

● So many people grow up without their needs for affection unfulfilled... So, you are not alone.

Has anyone ever accepted you for your selfishness?   A child's nature is selfishness.  And yet you forbid yourself all selfishness.  You have forbidden yourself all selfishness because those around you have forbidden it.  If you did not forbid it, you would have been rejected.  Many parents still mistakenly believe that forbidding selfishness is child-rearing.  Because that is how they, too, would have been raised.  There may also be other factors at play, such as time constraints and being concerned about what others might think of them not being able to sheesh their children.

Children who were not allowed to be selfish likely becomes an adult who is earnest, cannot ask for favor even if they want to, and are always self-conscious.  They are always afraid of rejection by others.  They always feel blamed by others because their parents often blamed them when they were a child.  Always worried about their parents' mood.  They were a child who was not a nuisance to their parents and helped the parents a lot.  They think that it is not respectable to be spoiled.  They think it is good and noble to abide by rules. 

This is my (the blog author's) personal opinion, but this kind of "not having your need for affection fulfilled" is not a matter of Yes or No (completely fulfilled or not at all fulfilled), but a matter of degree.  In other words, the adjectives of frequency and degree are different for each person, and it depends on whether or not there was someone else other than the parents who fulfilled it and how much damage was done by not being fulfilled, and so on.  In the sentence "My parents XXX fulfilled my love needs.", XXX has the frequency and degree adjectives such as Sometimes; when they had time; occasionally; very occasionally; most of the time; or with great variation depending on their availability.  Therefore, you should not think "I do not qualify to say that my needs for affection were not met because it is not like my parents did not love me at all."  It is a matter of degree, and if it was not enough for you, then it was not enough.

For people with unmet needs, it is when they are exposed to kindness and notice the kindness that they realize for the first time that they have never been treated this way by their guardians.  Kindness is the key to breaking free from the past of the child who was never spoiled.  However, even when they are exposed to kindness, they may not realize it.  Even when they are exposed to the kindness of others, they may misunderstand it (e.g., they are being blamed, being criticized with sarcasm, etc.). These people should be aware that even as adults, they may experience feelings from others that they have never experienced before.  In other words, keep the door to your heart open.  People around you are more accepting of you than you think.

It's great to not be dependent as an adult.  But if, in fact, you have some unfulfilled childhood needs, it is important to realize that you have those needs.  It is not that rainy days are bad.  It is the belief that it's sunny when it's actually raining that makes the heart sick."

● What is selfishness exactly, and what does it mean to have it fulfilled?

Many people grow up with repressed "selfishness".  That is one of the major causes of neurosis.  Then, what is "selfishness, or amae" exactly?

"Selfishness" means to seek other people's responsibility for one's existence.  The psychology of seeking other people's responsibility for one's own existence is the psychology of "dependency". When something is not going well for you, the behavior of a selfish child is to hold the other person responsible.  To be angry at the other person for not giving what you want, or to complain why they are not doing what you expect them to do are the behavior of selfish kids.

When we are young children, we can become mature adults by satisfying this desire for irresponsible accountability. The need for childish indulgence is a very natural emotion. A small child might say they want a hamburger from restaurant B, not restaurant A.  Adults might want to say that it doesn't matter, that they're the same, but for the child, it has to be restaurant B, and if they are made to eat a hamburger from restaurant A, they become unhappy and throw a tantrum.  If this kind of illogical selfishness is not adequately fulfilled during childhood, adults may carry that dissatisfaction with them, becoming irritable, moody, depressed, or even authoritarian.  They might excessively dote on their partners, become neurotic, struggle in a relationship marked by mutual rejection, marry to fill the void, or become consumed by their work.

"The authoritarian father who was never allowed to exhibit childlike behavior has now become a child in the guise of an old man and torments those around him. Just as a small child nags and harasses their mother, the authoritarian father slowly eats away at the hearts of his family.  Furthermore, by masking his unmet needs with values of society, morality, and affection, he tortures the family's innermost emotions.  In reality, all the father wants is to be pampered by others, but he tries to rationalize it or shield himself with authority.

In the worst cases, families may become neurotic, leading to tragic events like suicide, yet the person responsible for it would remain oblivious.  There are individuals who believe that no one else loves their family as much as they do, despite driving them to hell.  It's easy to label this as a horror story, but for the person who has been ingrained with the message 'be strong, don't be needy' since childhood, acknowledging and acting upon their existing desires, especially needing others, can be incredibly challenging.  Their pride wouldn't allow it.  It feels like the consequences of the education from the Showa era are coming home to roost.

Those who raise children should be reminded how crucial early upbringing is, and how parents are absolute figures for young children.  They should be required to take some courses to learn that.  Child-rearing involves continuous acts of facing and accepting selfishness and irrational needs every single day, and it is not about repressing or trying to control them.  How many parents truly understand that?  That's why so many people grow up without their childhood needs being met, blame themselves, suffer, and in turn, inflict suffering on others.  I believe that unless you love children so much that you want to be a childcare worker or something, you can't raise children.

So, when do those whose need for comfort was unmet from childhood feel truly fulfilled?  It's when "someone else takes responsibility for them." This is because such individuals, even if their bodies are adult, want to be "irresponsible like a child" in their hearts. Success is achieved when they become able to 'feel at ease' when they become intimate with others.  Seeking emotional comfort by being around others is such a natural emotion.  Those who would tell you that being dependent on others is wrong and not to do it are the same as telling you not to go to the bathroom!



Beer Bravo! Festa




その人は昨年結婚していたという新事実が明らかになり、衝撃だった。なぜ言ってくれなかったのーー?! と言ったら、聞かれたら言う…スタンスで……。と言っていた。確かに勉強とか仕事とか投資の話とかしかしてこなかったけどさあ。ビックリしましたわ。でも、自分も昔はそうだったので気持ちはよく分かった。「聞かれたら言う。わざわざ言うことじゃないし…。自慢してるとも思われたくないし…。自分の話ばかりしてるやつめ、とかも思われたら嫌だし…」とか。秘密主義じゃなくて、自分がスポットライトを浴びているのが居心地悪いというか。でもそれって、全然相手のことを考えていない。そして、自己開示する勇気がないというだけだった。私の場合は。だって、「ああ、そんな大事なことを教えてくれないんだ。その程度の友人関係って思われてたんだ。」って、がっかりしたから。今回自分がびっくりさせられる側になって、より実感した。相手側にしてみれば、決して、私との友人関係をその程度と思っていたということはないと思うんだけど。ただ単に、自分から言うのもなぁ…?と思っていただけだとは思うんだけど。


あと、自己開示しすぎて、自分の話ばっかりしてて、「なんなの…私は何? 壁と思われてる??」というような、極端なおしゃべりさんの餌食になるケース(汗)も何回かあったので、そんな風には絶対なりたくない、と思っている、というのもある。

まあともかくも、今回もいろんな話をして、今後のビジョンとか、今はまっている本(老師の、求めすぎず、ありのままに生きる)、会社とは、資本主義とは、みたいなことを議論できて、ためになった。美術館の招待券ももらってしまった! 行かねばー!

There was a beer festival in Kyobashi, Osaka, where craft beweries from Kansai gather.  My friend was also going, so I went too!  But I'm not a beer drinker, so I got an apple cider, a lychee cider, and a non-alcoholic apple soda.  They were all fruity and delicious.

I was shocked to learn a new revelation this time: my friend had gotten married last year. Why didn't you tell me??  I asked him, and he said "I was going to tell you when I'm asked...".  It's true that we only talked about studies, work, and investments, but still, I was so surprised.  But I used to be like that, so I understood how he felt.  I would tell them something especially something personal, if they asked me.  It's not something I should go out of my way to tell the world.... I don't want people to think I'm bragging. I don't want people to think I'm just endlessly talking about myself.  It's not that I'm secretive, it's just that I don't feel comfortable being in the spotlight.  But that's all selfish thoughts, and not kind to other people at all.. at least my excuses were.  And I just didn't have the courage to disclose myself.  Because this time I thought, "Oh, he won't tell me such an important thing.  That's how lightly he thought of our friendship."  I was disappointed, frankly, though I was not looking at him with a romantic feeling at all.  This time, being on the receiving end of the surprise, I felt it even more.  I don't think that he took our friendship so lightly, though, but still.  I think he was just hesitant and shy to tell me. 

I realized once again that self-disclosure is important to do it from oneself.  That is a great lesson to review again.  Well, disclose in moderation.  Because it's important.  Because your friend is important, so you share important news with them.  I used to think, "I want no one to think I'm annoying or boastful.  And no one is interested about my perfonal stuff". But now.  As a grown-up, I will let go of people who think that way, and cherish people who are interested in me, who think I am important, who are willing to disclose themselves to me as well, and with whom I can have honest and open conversations.  

I also had some people before who self-disclose too much, who talk about themselves too much and never interested in me.  And those cases still stick to my mind as a negative example, where I thought "What...what am I?  Do they think I'm a wall?"  I have fallen prey to such extreme talkers a few times, so I'm super afraid of being like that.  That's another reason.

Anyway, we talked about many things this time as usual, and it was very useful for me to discuss our future visions, the book we are currently reading (Taoism's "Don't Ask Too Much, Just Live as You Are"), corporate greed, capitalism, etc.  He gave me a free ticket to a museum exhibition!  I have to go!


モロッコ料理 Moroccan cuisine

コワーキングスペースの皆さんと、モロッコ料理を食べに行った! 初めてのモロッコ料理。野菜たくさんで、蒸す、煮るという調理法が多いので健康的だった。香辛料、ハーブなどがたくさん使われていて、体質や体調に合わせて調合することで、健康維持・増進していこうという、漢方のような考え方が今でも残っているらしい。医食同源、その通りだと思う!!





I went to eat Moroccan dinner with my co-working space members!  It was my first time to try Moroccan food, and it was very healthy with lots of vegetables and many healthy cooking methods such as steaming and boiling.  The concept of maintaining and improving one's health by adjusting spices and herbs according to one's physical condition, similar to Chinese medicine, still exists in Moroccan cuisine today.  Medicine and food are of the same origin, totally agreed! 

It was great that I got to talk a lot with everyone in the coworking space...  A lot of them are freelancers and telecommuters (digital nomads?).  Even though we are of different ages and specialties, when we have something in common, such as studying, doing something interesting, or mastering something, it makes it easier to talk with one another.

Also, I appreciate the fact that I don't have a conflict of interest with them and can treat them as good friends without hesitation unlike my supervisor at work, or someone I need to get along with in order to make progress with my work.  It's nice to have this kind of activities, like going to exotic restaurants and playing boardgames once in a while with my "co-workers" because in a regular shared office, people tend to be more individualistic and don't really interfere with each other.  It's very rare to have this kind of opportunity as a freelancer, so I'm very grateful for it. 

It was interesting to hear "We work for different companies, but we work in the same office.", haha


風味豊かな、野菜と豆のスープ。Hearty pulses and veggies soup. 

野菜と豆だくさんのクスクス。クスクスは世界で最も古いパスタの一種という説も。Couscous with lots of veggies and beans.  Couscous is hypothesized to be one of the oldest forms of pasta. 

タジン鍋。具だくさんで、レーズンで甘みを出している。美味しい。Moroccan tagine with various veggies and meat. Raisin adds some sweetness to it, which makes it delicious. 

ミントの入ったお茶。めちゃくちゃ甘い……! Moroccan mint tea.  Extremely sweet! 


バスと自転車と親切なおじさん Bus, bike, and a kind man



バスが通る狭い道は走らないようにしよう!!(汗) いくらヘルメットかぶってても無事じゃ済まないわ…

 I had a covid vaccination today. On the way home, as I was riding my bicycle down a narrow alleyway, a bus passed by my side at a considerable speed!

I screamed and stopped abruptly, feeling real danger, and a man passing by on the sidewalk said to me, "Be safe." in a caring tone saying "Are you okay?   I saw it." 

I can't express how happy it made!  It's so nice of them.  I think it's common to be surprised & pass by without saying anything.  I'm really touched by his kindness and prompt reaction to ask if I was okay. 

I'll try not to bike on narrow streets that also buses run!  Even with my helmet on, I won't be safe if I come in contact with a running bus..  


プリンタークエスト! Quest to connect to the printer!


プリンタードライバーを、コニカミノルタのサイトからダウンロードしてインストールしようとするのだが、実行を押しても .INI failed. と出る。ウインドウズを最新にしたり、消去して何度も新しくダウンロードしようとするが同じ。そこで、エンジニアの方がご飯に行くところだったのでちょっと相談してみたら、二、三個質問して、「OS、英語版?」と。そうです! 「それだ。英語版のコニカミノルタのサイトからドライバーをダウンロードしてやってみて」。聞けば、以前フランス人の利用者がプリンターに接続しようとしたときに、同じ問題があったらしい。長い期間在籍している人はやはり経験値が違う…! 日本人の私を見て、「パソコン、英語版?」と聞くのがすごい。思考が柔軟だなー。その頭の回転…ください…!

英語版のコニカミノルタから取ってきたドライバーは、日本版のようなウィザードはなく、 .exe を押したら全て自動、とかでは全然なかった。手動で、〜の場合はこう、〜の場合はこうしてインストールしてね、という、やり方がかかれている .txt があるのみ…。しかもそれには、「ドライバーのDVDを挿入する」とか書かれてあって、何年前の指示書きだよ、と思ったり…。それを解読して、何とか、プリンターのIPアドレスを入れて、ドライバーが保存されている場所を指定して…、インストールできた…。しかしこれを自分でできたのは良い経験だった。

あと、印刷指示をしても、二階にあるプリンターまで行っていちいちログインしないと印刷しない、という現象もあったが、それは、ID&Print ではなくPrint に方法指定すると解決。

なぜか、Adobe Acrobat Reader からPDFを印刷することはできず、他のPDFリーダーを使わないといけない。



けれど、みんなで協力して問題解決する楽しさ、ワクワク感を久しぶりに味わった! ので私はとても嬉しかったし楽しかった! 皆さん助けてくれてありがとう… みんな自分の仕事をするために来ているので、どのくらい相談していいのか測りかねていたので…助かりました。


The other day, I set up a printer driver on my computer to use the printer at the co-working space.  This was not a straightforward process! As expected!

I downloaded the printer driver from Konica Minolta's website and tried to install it, but when I hit run, I got ".INI failed".  I tried to update my windows, erase the driver, and download a new one over and over again, but the same thing happened.  One of the members, who is an engineer, was about to go out for lunch, so I asked him for some advice, and after a couple of questions, he said, "Do you have an English OS?" Yes!  "That's why.  Try downloading the driver from the English version of Konica Minolta's website.  A French user had the same problem when he tried to connect to the printer before."  Having been at this co-working space for a long time sure build experiences...!  It was amazing to hear him ask me, "Is your computer English?" even though he knows I'm Japanese.  His thinking is so flexible...!  I would love to have that quick thinking ability...!

The driver I got from the English version of Konica Minolta was not like the Japanese version where there is a wizard and everything is automatic when you run the .exe. There was only a .txt file in the Egnlish version of the installer that told me how to install the driver manually all in text, explaining in this case, do this, in that case, do that.... It also said something like "insert the driver DVD", which made me wonder how long ago those instructions were written.... I managed to decipher it, put in the IP address of the printer, specify the location where the driver is stored... and was able to install it...!  It was more complicated than expected,  but it was a good experience to be able to do this myself.

Also, there was a phenomenon where I had to go to the printer on the second floor and log in every time I tell my app to print, but that was solved by specifying the method to Print instead of ID&Print.

For some reason, I could not print PDFs from Adobe Arobat Reader, and had to use another PDF reader. But that happens to everyone. 

In addition, the printer sometimes disappears from the network, another mystery at this co-working space. 

What a quest is it.....!

However, I was very happy and had a lot of fun because it was the first time in a long while that I experienced the fun and excitement of working together with others to solve a problem!  I thank all of them for their help... I was not sure how much to ask for help because they are here to work on their own stuff.  But they were very kind and helpful.

The experienced person told me that the printer would take a day to set up, so I'm glad it only took half a day! ;)


「ゼロ秒思考」赤羽雄二 Zero Second Thinking












先日もけっこういろいろともやもや…としていたのですが、メモ書きしてみよう! そして、忘れてよく寝よう!と思い立ち「私が心底『いやや!!』と思っていること」と題して(笑) メモ書きしました。制限時間軽くオーバーしましたが、筆が止まらなかったので気にせず。これは思考訓練ではなく、デトックスなので。





「50枚かいて、腕の方が腱鞘炎になりました。」という猛者もいましたが。それはそれでいいんです。そんなこともあるんですー  そうやって、ネタにできるし☺️





かなーり脱線。頭をクリアにするためにも、感情を吐き出してすっきりするためにも、ゼロ秒思考のメモ書き、続けていきます!! すでに2週間。一日10枚なので、紙がすごい勢いでたまっていく。ついに500枚入りコピー用紙を購入してしまいました。それでも、1ヶ月半分しかないのか…。なにこれ、紙に埋もれた家になる!?

How to write down your thoughts in a minute to help you think better and clear your head, by the author who worked at McKinsey for 14 years.

I had seen this before on a book summary channel, but now that I've actually started doing it, I'm like, "Oh, this is fantastic!"  I've been doing it for a while now. Here is how --

  1. Use an A4 sheet of paper horizontally,
  2. Write the subject in the upper left corner and the date in the upper right corner,
  3. Then, write whatever comes to your mind about the topic.

The one-minute time limit is the key. At first, you may only come up with one sentence. Gradually, more and more thoughts will come to mind as you practice.  Eventually, your thinking will outpace your writing, and you will not be able to write all the things you think. That is, the state of zero-second thinking.

Therefore, you should not extend the time limit.

By doing this, the thoughts that are circling in your head are taken out of your mind, and your brain gets cleansed.  This is because the working memory of the mind can only hold a maximum of three things at a time, and if you put more than three things in there, it will be overloaded and will not function well.

Every day, I think out my thoughts, worries, and feelings, and write them down on 10 sheets of paper, which takes only 10 min, to clear my mind.  It's not something I show to anyone, so I write down proper names and even the blackest feelings that I would never disclose to anyone.

It works very, very well for me!

Especially for people who love to write, who can keep a blog or a diary going, it is very suitable...

Of course, a diary in which you write down various things as your mind wanders has its advantages, but zero-second thinking allows you to think faster, which increases your efficiency at work!  

The other day, I was having a ruminating thought and was feeling frustrated..  So, I thought, "Let's jot it all down. And let's forget about it and get a good night's sleep!"  I titled it "What truly disgusts me", then started writing.  I went over the time limit, but I didn't care because I couldn't stop writing.  It's OK, this particular one is a detox, not a thought exercise.

It was as though I was going to give a one-minute speech, but it turned out to be a couseling session.

I wrote so much.

Still, I felt so refreshed after writing three pages.

There is a Zero Second Thinking writing group at 7:30 am every morning, and I have been attending it every day for 2 weeks in a row!  One of the people who leads the group says, "If you have been through something incredibly unpleasant, and even if you let your momentum write down all the muddled emotions that you couldn't possibly show to others, you would still end up writing only 40 or so pages of notes.  This is often the case because humans are not designed to think about the same thing for an extended period of time.  So, most of the time, after writing about 40 pages, you run out of things to write, and you'd feel at ease.  Well, it depends on the person and what they are writing about, so give it a try." He said.

There was one person who said, "I wrote 50 pages and my arm got tendonitis".  She deserves a prize!  But that's okay.  That's all right.  If that kinda rare thing happened, you could make a unique story out of it. ☺️

This morning activity group has been very helpful.

The leadership is great. The person who is leading this group seems very resilient to stresses, like a hanged cloth (Noren).  He is firmly rooted on the bottom, but he is relaxed and lets the wind blow his leaves and never lets it bother him.  It's like, "Oh, yeah, that happens sometimes.  It's life.  It's okay." And some of the regular faces in the meeting are like that, too. 

Friends and acquaintances with this kind of strong mentality are very precious to have. They are always stable, and even when I am upset, they give me objective advice in a calm and cheerful manner.  They sympathize with me, but never gets dragged down to my negative emotions.  They have strength on their feet.  I sometimes wonder where this extraordinally strong mentality comes from.  Is it nature or nurther?  I feel like I am not dragged down as much as I used to, though.  To be fair, however, I have been helped tremendously by people with high empathy who easily sync with others' emotions.  There are all kinds of people, and that's what makes the world colorful and beautiful!

I digress.  I'm going to keep writing zero-second thinking notes to clear my head and get my emotions out and keep my mind at peace!  Been already 2 weeks. The paper is piling up at an incredible rate as I write 10 sheets a day.  I finally bought a 500-sheet pack of copy paper.  Still, that's only half a month worth... it's exciting to imagine what kind of thoughts will pop up and be written down on them. It's fantastic to be able to visualize my thought processes.  Oof, my room will be full of paper in no time! 

竜胆と菊 Gentian and chrysanthemum flowers

動物愛護センターで、ご自由にお持ち帰りくださいのお花が! やったー。




Free flowers at the animal welfare center for volunteers to take home!  Yay.

Gentian flowers are written as dragon's liver.  What does that all mean??

The rhizome (rootstock) of gentian is used in Chinese medicine.  It is extremely bitter, so it received the name, "as bitter as dragon's liver".

Really??  The world is full of new and interesting things to learn.  (Did anyone tasted a dragon's liver...?) 


ずぼら瞑想 川野泰周 "Lazy meditation"/Taishu Kawano









日々の忙しさの中で、瞑想する時間を特別に確保するのは簡単ではない。続けられず、余計にストレスになる。だから、「ずぼら瞑想」。(ずぼら、というか、「ちょこ瞑想」? 今流行りの某トレーニングジム風に) 日常生活のなかで行うことを、意識的に、集中して、一挙手一投足に意識を向けて、深呼吸しながら行う。掃除や皿洗いなど単純作業って、頭がおヒマになるので、嫌なことを考えやすいと思っていたけれど、瞑想する時間にすれば良いのか、なるほど。何かの言語情報が欲しくて、YouTube聴きながら皿洗い、などしていたけど。それが楽しいなら良いけれど、疲れるなら、一つずつ、丁寧に、丹念に、心を込めて、してみてもいいのかもしれない。

髪を乾かすときには目を閉じて無心になったり、寺でぼーーーーっとする時間を取ったりしているけど、あれは瞑想だったのか……!(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)











1 まずストレスを感じた時の気持ちについて、パーセンテージで表す。怒り50%、 情けなさ80%、悲しみ 40% など。

2 自動思考(思い込み)の内容と、根拠を書く。「自分がボウリングが下手なのを知っているのに誘われた。自分をバカにするための口実づくりなんだ。」




3 根拠に対して、一つ一つ反証を書く。







自動思考が生じている、ことに思い至るのが肝。今の考えは、本当に、中立的? 根拠がある? 友達がそう言っていたら賛成する? と、自問するのがよさそうだ…。

A meditation that can be done anywhere, proposed by the author, who is a Buddhist monk and psychiatrist. Wherever you are, focus your senses on what you are doing.  You do not have to be doing zazen, but simply block out excessive information from the outside, and whether you are sitting or standing, take deep breaths and calm your mind by focusing on your breath.

There is also walking meditation, which is done slowly, concentrating on each movement of lifting the feet, advancing, and landing on the heels.

Other methods to meditate includes, to avoid eating while doing something else and concentrate on eating.  Snack meditation. Put a walnut in your mouth and feel it without chewing it for 10 seconds, savoring the tactile sensation of its outer surface. You may be surprised it has such a complex shape, or it is a little bitter tasting, and make various discoveries.  Then I chew it and eat it slowly.  You will be filled with fresh joy, "I finally got to eat it!"  It will truly be a time of bliss.  

That way, you can actually taste the food.  If you can concentrate on the here and now, you can meditate while eating a snack, while holding a strap on the train, or while slicing cabbage into strips.  Another innovative idea - get off at the station platform, watch the people scuttle off to the ticket gates, and relax on the platform by yourself.  Gaze the color of the sky.  Feel the strength of the wind.  Is there any scent?  The platform where you are alone is truly a different world, and it is very refreshing.

The endless stream of information from the phone shakes your emotions.  It puts you in a state of mindlessness.  And it's easy to forget that you exist here and now, in peace, with enough food, clothing, and shelter, and without the danger of being suddenly bombed or something.

As a psychiatrist, the author warns that the screams of the heart appear in the body.  Even if you think in your head that you are fine, your body is honestly telling you that it is at its limit.  If you listen to your body, you will know before your mind breaks down that it is not safe to continue, and you can take a rest.

Not feeling very hungry is one of the early symptoms.

A severe headache is another.  When stress builds up, the blood vessels in the brain widen, causing a sharp headache.

It is true what they say, "If you fix your body, you fix your mind." Massage, counseling, walking in the woods, psychiatrists, mindfulness, yoga, or whatever is available to help you recover, so use them.  Meditation is one of them.

In the busyness of our daily lives, it is not easy to set aside special time to meditate. It is hard to keep up, and being unable to stick to a set habit becomes an extra source of stress.  That's why the author call it "lazy meditation".  Consciously do the things you do in your daily life, concentrating on them, being aware of your every move, and taking deep breaths, that's meditation.  I used to think that simple tasks such as cleaning or washing dishes would free up my mind and make it easier to think about unpleasant things, but I see why I should use the time to meditate.  I used to wash dishes while listening to YouTube because I wanted to get some verbal entertainment to occupy my mind.  If it's enjoyable, it's good, but if it's tiring, maybe I should try to do one thing at a time, carefully and mindfully.

I realize that I was meditating, unknowingly, because when I dry my hair, I close my eyes and let my brain take a break, and I take some time to be absentminded at a temple.  It feels good ...... (◡ ω ◡)

In modern times, we often argue at the extremes of value judgments. -- "Black or white, friend or foe, good or bad?" As another psychiastrist, Dr. Kabasawa, says, "0-100 thinking.

And hidden in the "good or bad" is the thought of "should be" or "must be"-thinking.  Many people cannot seem to accept the idea of "moderation."

Buddhism teaches us to give up judgement and see things as they are.  This is called "no-discrimination wisdom".

This is also in line with Dr. Kabasawa's idea of having a neutral viewpoint that is neither negative nor positive.  It is neither "as much as half a glass of water" nor "only half a glass of water," but "a glass of water that is half full."

"Take out emotions outside of you, put it right beside you, and look at it as if you look at your neighbor."  A person I acquainted with in a philosophy reading group once said.

They are probably all saying the same thing.

Seeing things as they are.

It is difficult when it comes to things about myself.

Say when you I made a small mistake at work, it is so easy to go to the extreme and think: "I'm a failure.", "I don't deserve to exist."  This is especially reinforced by black-and-white thinking and 0-100 thinking. 

In Dr. Kabasawa's words, "Whether you get a 50 or an 80 points, if it is not 100, it is the same as zero."

That's a leap too far.

It's easy for other people to say "It's a leap too far", but if the person is obsessed with that thought, it is hard to get rid of it.  It is called "cognitive distortion".  We all have this kind of belief, to a greater or lesser degree, but if this belief becomes too strong, we can become trapped in it, and our mental health can suffer. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a part of treatment in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine. Writing therapy is a part of it, and it can help remove your beliefs from your mind.

You can do this yourself, too. 

1 First, describe how you feel when you are stressed, expressed as a percentage.  Anger 50%, shame 80%, sadness 40%, etc.

2 Write down the content of your automatic thoughts (assumptions) and the basis for them.  

"I know I am not good at bowling."

"I was invited to go bowling with my colleagues.  They know I'm not good at it, so they are just making up an excuse to make a fool out of me."

And the reasons you believe so: 

"I thought if I failed at bowling, everyone would make fun of me."

"I'm not good at bowling, but they invited me."


3 Write a rebuttal to each rationale: 

"If I were a positive person, what would I think in such a situation?"

"Maybe he thought I was one of his friends and invited me as a favor."

"Maybe they didn't have enough people."

"Maybe I'm not the only one, maybe we were all invited."


This way, you realize that there is a completely different way of looking at things than your own assumptions.   

Meditation has the same effect.

Meditation is useful even when you can't come up with a counter-argument.  Meditate while being aware that automatic thoughts are arising, meditate more and gently accept even the fact that you are thinking in such a way.

It is very deep...... 

It is vital to come to the realization that automatic thinking is occurring.  And ask, iss the current thought real, and logical?  Is it well-founded?  If one of your friends said that, would you agree?  They are good questions to ask yourself.


Because we are, often, able to easily forgive other people's failures, but we tend to be very harsh on our own failures... 

So you can tell yourself that you don't have to be so extreme and judge yourself so harshly.  You can be angry, you can make a mistake.  You have automatic thoughts.  It's all natural and normal.  Then it will be easier to breathe.


ゴスペラーズ村上さんと谷村さんのながーい関係 The longstanding relationship between Tanimura-san & the Gospellers




でも最初の出会いは苦いもので、まだ大学生だった村上さんと黒沢さんは、谷村さんのライブでコーラスを依頼されたのに、リハーサルに遅刻してクビになってしまった。直後はあまり反省していなかった村上さん。でも、自腹で、自分の出るはずだったコンサートのチケットを買って見に行ったら、谷村さんの歌にも、観客の熱狂にも圧倒され、恥ずかしさと申し訳なさでいっぱいだったそう。時は流れ、ゴスペラーズが売れてきたとき、「君たちの歌声にはパワーがある! 頑張れ! それから、もう遅刻はするなよ」と優しく声をかけてくださり、それからも折に触れて共演したり食事したり、だったそう。こういうことがあったから、ゴスペラーズはあんなに謙虚なのか!





  • 「谷村さんは、客席の中に村上さんを見つけて、嬉しかったのではないでしょうか。出るはずだったコンサートを、チケットを自腹で買って見に行くのはなかなかできることではないので。」
  • 「あのとき突き放して(クビにして)くれたから、今のゴスがあるんですね。」
  • 「忘れることはできない、苦い思い出の1ページですね…。谷村さんが見られなくなった今後のゴスの活躍は、私たちファンが代わりにしっかりと見守らせていただきます! 少しずつでも、村上さんの悲しみが鎮まりますように…。」
  • 「貴重なエピソードありがとうございます。村上さんにとっては、辛く悔しい出来事だったのかもしれませんが、ゴスペラーズの活動のためにご自身を律していこうとされる、大きな出来事だったのですね。谷村さん、これからは空から見守ってくださいますよ。真摯に音楽に向き合う村上さんを、ゴスペラーズを、これからも応援します。」
  • 「谷村さんがいらっしゃって、厳しい対応をされて、それを忘れない、という心構えを持たれていた村上さんだから、そんなお二人だったから、今があるのですね。」


A post by Gospellers Murakami-san's Instagram had words of condolence for Mr. Shinji Tanimura, a famous singer, and their memories. 


Shinji Tanimura, who passed away a few days ago, and the male vocal group, Gospellers, have been very close.

But their first encounter was a bitter one. Murakami-san and Kurosawa-san, who were still university students, were asked to sing in the chorus at Tanimura-san's concert, but were fired for being late for the rehearsal.  Wanting to make this lesson truly learnt, Murakami-san went to see the concert he was supposed to be at on his own dime, buying a ticket, and he was overwhelmed by both Tanimura-san's singing and the enthusiasm of the audience.  He was filled with astonishment, embarrassment, and guilt.  Time passed, and when the Gospellers began to sell out, Tanimura-san kindly told them "You guys have power in your singing voice.  Keep up the good work! And don't be late again,"  They occasionally performed together and had meals together from time to time.  It is because of these things that the Gospellers are so humble!

As an adult, it is rare to meet someone who would scold you with love.  Most of them they would just shut up and walk away when you do something wrong.  You have to have tremendous generousity and care to scold, forgive, guide, and support someone.  I think that is why Murakami-san repented and realized that he had to cherish this precious relationship with him.

Now that Tanimura-san is gone, he must feel a great sense of loss because he has lost a front-runner whom he admired and looked up to as a role model.  I hope that Murakami-san can stay in the circle of those who can share his grief.

Because it is rare to find someone who will go out of their way to scold you with love, I think it is a good idea to ask someone you care about how they feel about your words and actions, whether they find anything offensive or annoying.  It is very gratifying to have someone who is willing to go out of their way to tell you what they actually think and feel, to make waves, and to try to build a good relationship with you... (if what they say is to the point).  Though the moment you are told, you may be struggling to defend yourself, and such a reaction is natural, but if you know that, you can take a breath and listen to them.

By the way, I was amazed that the comments on Murakami-san's post are full of kindness and compassion.  How can you give such a wonderful responses...?  Are they all counselors?  I would love to be like this.  So, I studied their method a little bit and found that they summarized what they heard from the other person and added positive words on top of it.  For the sake of learning, I am excerpting some of the comments posted...there should be no problem because they are all publicly posted, I believe...?)

  • Tanimura-san must have been happy to find you in the audience.  It's not easy to buy a ticket with your own money to go see a concert that you were supposed to be in.
  • He was so kind to teach you a lesson and fire you then, and that's why Gosspellers is where it is today."
  • It's a page of bitter memories that you will never forget, isn't it.  We, the fans, will be watching closely on behalf of Tanimura-san for the future activities of Gospellers, which he will no longer be able to see!  Little by little, may Murakami-san's sadness be quelled...
  • Thank you for sharing this precious anecdote.  It may have been a painful and frustrating event for you, but it was a big event that made you determined to discipline yourself for the sake of Gospellers' activities.  Tanimura-san, from now on, will watch over you from the sky.  I will continue to support you and the Gospellers as they face their music with sincerity.
  • Murakami-san, you were prepared to deal with Tanimura-san's presence and his harsh treatment, and you never forgot it, so it was the two of you that brought us to where we are today.

It is hard to think of grief as something that should be quelled as soon as possible or something that is better not exist, so we should try to think of it as a part of life, instead. Grief is something that allows us to understand other people's feelings. It enables us to embrace happiness wholeheartedly and try to "savor" it as an incredible event.  The word "savor" is something I learned from Dr. Tomy, a psychiatrist, but it has stayed with me for some time.

Just like there are ups and downs of waves, rain and sun, summer and winter.  I would like to spend my time with such a swaying, counting and appreciating all the things I am blessed with.


検査着たたんで返すのがやっぱり素晴らしいな…! Used checkup cloth returned as if new



やはり、当然のごとく!! 全ての使用済み着がたたんで入れられている!!!



なんか… なんなんでしょうね、これは。


I went to a local hospital to have an annual health examination the other day.  At the
locker room to change into medical checkup clothes, is a basket for used clothes.

As expected!  All the used clothes are folded and put in the basket so neatly that I would mistake them as new!  

I was so impressed.

In Japan, you might have thought this was normal, but.. it is not!  It would very likely be a mess. If the inspection clothes were in the basket, it would be considered good.  There is a good chance that they are not in the basket.  They might be thrown away near the basket.  I expect some trash around, even.  I wouldn't be surprised if there was something unidentifiable left in the locker....

I wonder... What is this?

A puzzling moment in an afternoon.


お金・愛・健康について Money, Love, and Health












At a meeting hosted by a counselor, we recently discussed "anything that comes to mind about money".

One person said, "I like to hoard money" or "I spend more than I earn".   I really liked what someone said, "When I receive money in my wallet, I pray that it will be used for the good of the world." because money helps you, but it also helps others, and it is something that goes around and around.  That is a nice habit.

There was also a question about what to do if you had a lot of extra money, and there were two types of people: those who said they would spend it on themselves and those who said they would give it to charity or some other organization to make good use of it for others.

Both would be valid depending on the financial situations for each person.

But the person who hosted the event said, "You might want to think about what you would do with the money if you still had some left over after you'd travel, eat good food, and shop without worrying about the price, for yourself."  That is really true... I can give to others because I have extra money.

A person working at a nursing home said, "There are so many rich people in their 80s at my work.  But if they can no longer stand on their feet and cannot go anywhere they want to go, they have no use of their money.  I strongly feel the importance of good health and the time you have until you become too old to move around as you wish."  It really is profound because even if I had 100 million yen, I probably would not be able to regain the strength and energy of my youth.

Also, "the importance of receiving love" was a discussed.

The organizer herself said, "I never wanted to be treated by others, especially a man.  I was thinking, I can pay for it myself!  But now I'd say, 'Are you sure?  Thank you.'  I feel so much lighter, and I also feel that I would be happy to do something for others, like buying them a drink.

This is where what Taira-san said in his love psychology course came together.  A person who is willing to receive anything is an easy person to please and love.  That is why they are liked and loved.  If someone is overly reserved, makes various excuses, or doubts if others had an ulterior motive for doing something for them, then it would be hard to love them because they are not taking it.  That's what I've been thinking about, coincidentally.

It was interesting to see many things getting connected.


雨上がり Fine weather after the rain








After the rain comes the rainbow 

The good'old used phrase 

No words can accurately describe how beautiful and refreshing it is

Today's wisdom by Bukkoji temple:

Fine weather is good 

Rainy weather is good 

Victory is good 

Defeat is good 

Anything can be a source of learning 


カフェ ETRA


黙々と書く会で知り合ったんですよ〜と言ったら、「もくもく会ですよね、聞いています」だそう。φ(・ω・*) 植物がたくさんあって、おちついた雰囲気のところだった。お食事、お菓子、飲み物、お酒まで、メニュー充実。ゆったりまったり。



Recently I paid a visit to a cafe called ETRA.  A friend of mine designed a logo for them. 

I told the owner that I got to know my friend (and hers) in our shut up and write meeting, and she said "Yeah, I heard about it.  It's 'mute and silent gathering', right?" with a smile.  Yes, it is.. we socialize after writing silently, though!  The cafe had a lot of plants and a cozy atomosphere.  They have a wide selection of menu items - meals, sweets, soft drinks, and alcoholic drinks. It's a perfect place to take a break and chill out.    

スープ & パン3種。コーンブレッドが美味だった!


中秋の名月。The mid-autumn full moon.



The 15th of the day of the 8th month on the lunar calendar.  And it was supermoon (the second full moon within a month), too!

So I bought a wagashi (Japanese confectionary) called "Meigetsu", beautiful moon.  How artistic is it! 350 yen. It's not cheap, but you get the experience, not just calories.  I would love to support small local shops like this that keeps the tradition and refined confectonary techniques for centuries.


大阪レインボーフェスタ!2023 ボランティアしてきました! Volunteered at Osaka Rainbow Festa 2023!







ドラァグクイーンさんたちも間近で見れて感激! 歌って踊れて、トークも上手いクイーンさんには脱帽です。そして背が高い…! アメリカ、イギリスから来てはるクイーンさんたちもいて。大きなイベントだ。






Happy pride! 

YouTuber 2すとりーとのお二人、小原ブラスさん、ドラァグクイーンのフェミニーナさんなど観れてよかった!! 2すとりーとさんの動画、大阪レインボーフェスタでも収録しているらしいので配信が楽しみ。

I volunteered at the Osaka Rainbow Festa 2023 for two full days!

It was a fulfilling experience...

We were told to come to Ogimachi Park, the festival venue, at 7:50 a.m. on both days, which was earlier than a normal work day for me, but it was worth it....

This year, the ninth annual event, attracted a record 28,000 people over the two days!

The theme of the festival was "Gender Identity, Clothing, Sexual Preference, Nationality, etc., and all of them are combined to celebrate the fact that we are all human beings."

Although the majority of the participants were probably from the LGBTQ community, I was moved by the fact that heterosexual couples and people with children were able to casually participate in this kind of event.

I was thrilled to see drag queens up close!  Hats off to the queens, who can sing, dance, and talk well.  And they are tall...!  There were also queens from the U.S. and the U.K.  It's truy a big event with international invited guests.

The volunteers worked in one of the five teams, but we were all very flexible and did whatever we could do. We were called "Rainbow Rangers".

The people on my team were friendly and easy to get along with, so I was happy to be able to work in a good atmosphere.  I was in charge of social events that encouraged festival participants to interact with each other and make friends, and although I don't usually do that kind of interpersonal work, I was glad to be able to do what is rather a challenge for me.  It was rewarding to see the smiling faces of the participants.

Unfortunately, it rained on the second day, but after the rain comes a rainbow... 🌈🌈.

The steering committee members are also volunteers, unpaid, and have spent more than half a year building up this event, including managing the helping volunteers on the two days.  This event is very important to many people, and it must have been very emotional for them to be able to successfully hold it again this year and to receive so many participants.  The committee members are also a unique group of people, many of whom have been doing this event for years.  It is significant that the committee members themselves have shown that they can dress however they like and be themselves without worrying about what others think of them.

I hope that the Rainbow Festa will continue long even after same-sex marriage becomes legal.  It is important to keep raising our voices and issues.  I would also like to visit Tokyo Rainbow Pride some day!

Happy pride! 

It was great to see YouTubers 2 Street, Vlas Kobara, drag queen Feminina, and more!  I heard that 2 Street's video was also recorded at Osaka Rainbow Festa, so I'm looking forward to watching it.

クイーンさんたち! Dear queens!

2すとりーと! 2 Street, Yuki and Tatsuya.

小原ブラスさんも。 Vlas Kobara, a Russian-born, Japan-raised Kanwai comedian/commentator.

アドベンチャーワールドも出展していた。Adventure World, famous for their panda raising skills, was also here. 

久しぶりに、空が綺麗だなあーと思った気がする。After a long while, it occured to me that "Oh, the sky's so beautiful."


京都大学と吉田寮文化祭訪問… Cultural festival (?) at Yoshida dormitory of Kyoto Uni








Writing session in a laboratory at Kyoto University.  Various office work progressed.

Yoshida Dormitory was an incredible place, well, in many ways...  If Yoshida Dormitory is so unique, Kumano Dormitory is even more so.  There is an exchange student who is staying at Kumano Dormitory for two months, and we heard many things about those two "student-governed" dormitories.

I heard that many students are passionate about politics in Kumano Dormitory, and that political discussions are very active there.  I think it is necessary to discuss how the country should be operated and what the community should be like.  If we don't discuss it, we will be at the mercy of the rulers and will most likely be exploited.

The 100-year-old Yoshida Dormitory's old building was astonishing.  1923 means that it was built at the end of the Taisho Era.... The first year of the Showa Era was 1926. For my own record.  There is no earthquake-proof structure to it, of course.  There was a big hole in the ceiling and a bucket was placed to catch the leaks.  The walls were covered with signs, pictures, and papers discussing history and politics.  "Unit 731 and Kyoto University," for example.  It was an eye-opening sight.

It is said that an "autonomous dormitory" with such a large degree of autonomy is rare in the world.

So much so that the university faculty members are not allowed to enter the dormitory, and the university is suing the students representatives of the dorm over the vacating of the old building, and many other disputes are happening.  I had no idea about this, so I learned a lot.

I'm glad I had a group of friends to go with...


動物愛護センターのバックヤード見学 Animal shelter behind the scenes







I can only write very vaguely about the animal shelter to avoid overly excited people make complaints.. 

Anyways, I was glad to take a peek at the backstage of the animal shelter in this tour, where volunteers don't usually go in.  The vets here do so many things for animal welfare.  I learned a lot. 

All the animals are adorable.  I hope all of them will have a loving forever home... 



大阪レインボーフェスタ Osaka Rainbow Festa coming up!

Osaka Rainbow Festa will take place this weekend to celebrate heterosexuality, LGBT, and diversity in sexual orientation!  


初めてボランティアします! 交流企画とパレードおかえり隊。

グッズ買おうと思って忘れてたーー けど、



I borrowed the image from the website above.

This is my first time volunteering at Osaka Rainbow Festa!  I'll be helping socializing programs and be in the parade welcoming back team.  I'm looking forward to seeing what it will be like.  Also looking forward to seeing 2-Street, a YouTuber group I like, come to the event.

I was going to buy some goods, but I forgot to do so!  But I will be able to get a volunteer's T-shirt.  Also, maybe I'll buy rainbow ribbons or a tape... in a hurry.  I'm going to wear it in my hair, and I'd be able to use it for a long time.

I'm looking forward to the whole event for now..!  I've been volunteering a lot.

There will be a backyard tour at the animal welfare center tomorrow.  I'm excited  to see the back side of the center, which I usually can't see.   I wish I could attend the volunteers social events... I've been unable to make it every time.  Next time!


イタリアン Ristorante Quindici at Opa Oita

大分産の食材を使った、本格的なパスタやメインディッシュが楽しめる。味付けすごい。って、肝心の料理写真がない! デザートだけは写真撮れてたけど。自然光もたっぷり降り注ぐ、いいお店だった…。

You can enjoy authentic pasta and main dishes made with ingredients from Oita.  How it's seasoned is wonderful.  I was immensed in the experience so much that I forgot to take photos of the dishes!  I did get a picture of the dessert, though.  It was a nice restaurant with plenty of natural light and plants, too.. It was a good find. 

Ristorante Quindici



動物愛護フェスティバル Animal Welfare Festival!


It's been a while, but I heped out at Animal Welfare Festival as a volunteer!

フォトフレーム、うちわ見本、Instagram 投稿用文書を作ったり。みんなで作業って楽しいな〜 以下、投稿文。

Volunteers worked together and made big photo frames, hand-held fan, and Instagram posts to promote this festival.  I enjoyed working in a team for the first time in a while!

🎉🐶京都動物愛護フェスティバル Kyoto Animal Welfare Festival🐱🎉

記念撮影用、かわいいフォトフレームができました! SNSに投稿するもよし、思い出にするもよし。







Cute photo frames are ready for commemorative photo shoots!  Take pictures and post them on social media or keep them as a memory.

There will also be uchiwa (Japanese fan) decorating workshops for both adults and children🏵.

Saturday, September 23

Rissei park, Hulic Hall Kyoto

Please come and visit us! ✨

We are looking forward to seeing you 🐾.




Then, the day of the event came!  It was quite hot.  The booths were set up outdoors in tents, but the lectures and interviews were held in air-conditioned rooms, so it was nice and cool.  It was an improvement from last year, where it was very hot in Okazaki Park, and the lecture was held outdoors too under a tent. 

I think it would be better to move the event to a little earlier in the year instead of September or later, but I wonder if it would be very difficult since Animal Welfare and Protection Week is in the week around September 20. I wonder if the booths will have to be held indoors if it gets really hot outside.  But it should be OK to move it, as Animal Protection Week does not have any particular origin in September and has been moved in the past for administrative reasons, according to Google.  Eventually, it may be held in October.  Like the sports day in elementary and junior high schools....

ボランティアブース! うちわのデコレーションと、ボランティア活動について展示。
Volunteers' booth showed our activities and held a fan decoration workshop. 

開園前から青空ー  It was very hot already before the festival started at 11 am.