
Oita 4 Onta, pottery and frid noodles 小鹿田焼と日田焼きそば!

日田までドライブして、日田やきそばをいただき、骨董品コレクションが並ぶ、小鹿田古陶館へ。今ではトレードマークになった「飛び鉋」以外の模様のある小鹿田焼や、その他芸術的価値の高い美術品が並ぶ。バーナード・リーチ氏が小鹿田に来窯した際に作ったという水差しも! 課題図書で読んでいたので、「ああ、これが…!」となって、すごく面白かった。

We drove to Hita, had Hita-style fried noodles, and then went to the Onta Antique Pottery Museum, which houses a collection of antiques.  The museum features Onta pottery with patterns other than the now trademarked "tobikanna" as well as other works of art of high historic and artistic value.  There is also a jug made by Bernard Leach when he visited Onta!  We had read about this in our "assigned reading", so it was very interesting to see the real thing depicted in the book. 

リーチ先生のつくった水差し! けっこう重たかった。 A jug that Bernerd Leach made when he came to Onta! 


This mill pounds and mills raw soil into kaoline clay.  No electricity needed, but it takes a month to mill such a small amount of soil.

博多駅の韓国料理屋さんで、タッカルビ定食を食べて大満足!! すばらしい旅でした…!
 I ate dakgalbi (Korean spicy grilled chicken) at Hakata Station. Yum!  It was a wonderful and memorable trip!! 

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