

最近、コワーキングスペースのお母さん的存在の方に2度も手作りごはんをいただきました〜〜 アメリカから買ってきた豆パスタも上手に利用してくださり。そして手早い手早い。スープ付き、しかもデザートに果物まで。




南禅寺 天授庵の紅葉 Tenjuan-temple, a part of Nanzenji



本堂は非公開だが、晩年の長谷川等伯作の襖絵があるらしい! いつか公開されるかな。

Tenju-an is a Zen temple located in Nanzen-ji Temple.  One of the head monks (Daizo Daimei Kokushi) of Nanzenji was troubled by the appearance of yokai (monsters!), but he drove them away with sutra chanting and zazen meditation.  Emperor Kameyama was so impressed that he said to the monk, "Please make me your disciple!".  In 1291, he gave up his own villa (vacation castle) and built a temple in its place to practice Buddhism. 

The garden is a precious one, created between the end of the Kamakura period (1180-1336) and the Nanboku-cho period (1336-1392).  The autumn leaves were beautiful in the south garden of the shoin (study) as well as in the front garden of the main hall.  The garden was rebuilt in the Keicho period (1596-1615) and remodeled in the Meiji period (1868-1912) as well, and the garden was slightly changed at that time.  According to the description, it is regrettable that the Meiji (newer) style is strongly felt.  To the untrained eye, it is completely unrecognizable...but to an expert in the field of garden design, it seems that "Oh, they changed such and such a part of the garden!  The beautiful atmosphere of the Nanbokucho Period is lost...!"  Every area of study is very deep once you dig into it.

The main hall is not open to the public, but it is said to have sliding door paintings by super famous Hasegawa Tohaku in his later years!  I hope they'll make it open for a limited time viewing sometime. 


毘沙門堂 山科区の紅葉 Bishamondo-temple, Yamashina-ward

山科駅から徒歩18分?けっこう遠かった! 創建は703年だけれど、戦乱、荒廃を経て1665年に再建。


It was a bit far from Yamashina Station—18 minutes on foot?  It felt surprisingly distant, perhaps because it was a hilly road!  Although the temple was founded in 703, it underwent destruction and devastation, and was reconstructed in 1665.  It is said to bring good fortune in business and in competitions.  

It's a large temple with multiple buildings.  The garden was lovely with a pond, and there were many impressive features inside the temple such as a dragon painting on the ceilings and trick art-like sliding door paintings.  The autumn foliage was also incredibly beautiful.  There was a massive weeping cherry tree, too, and it must be stunning in spring.


天得院の紅葉 Autumn leaves at Tentokuin temple

東福寺五塔頭の一つ、天得院。紅葉のライトアップ、綺麗でした。紅葉、いつの間にか見頃です。今年は秋の天候があまり良くなかったので、最高の色づき、ではないですね笑 でもやはり、真っ赤に色づいている葉は今だけの楽しみ。美しいです。

Tentokuin temple, located in southeast of Kyoto station. It's got a compact Zen garden to be viewed from beautiful sliding doors and windows.  Autumn foliage is approaching its peak, but this year's colors don't seem ideal due to suboptimal weathers in the early autumn days. Still, it's exciting to see this limited time art given by nature. 


「幸せの授業」/樺沢紫苑 新刊記念オンライン講演会も!

精神科医、樺沢紫苑先生の啓発系本をよく読んでいたのですが、新刊「幸せの授業」出版記念講演会がオンラインであったので参加しましたーー 先着500名限定で出版記念品「幸せの魔力ノート」までついてきました。ギリギリに参加申込したのでこれはラッキーだった…! なんか面白い、魔力のありそうな表紙です。中は普通の方眼ノート裏表紙には、3行ポジティブ日記、感謝日記、親切日記の付け方が書いてあります。 















ためになる講演会でした! でも、最も心満たされたのは実は、コワーキングスペースで皆さんとお昼ご飯を一緒に食べて(しかも手作りカフェごはん!!)おしゃべりしていたので講演の最初の一時間を聞き逃したことです。生身の交友関係に忙しくて、それが幸せに関する講義よりも大事だった、というのは、もう最高じゃないか、と思うのです! 樺沢先生のこれまでの本や動画のおかげですね。コワーキングスペースの皆さん、そして私を支えてくれる全ての人達のおかげです。


I often read books by Dr. Shion Kabasawa, a psychiatrist, and attended the online commemorative lecture for his new book, "The Lesson of Happiness."  Also I was lucky to get a commemorative item, the "Magic Notebook of Happiness.", which was limited to the first 500 registrants.  I decided to join at the last minute, so this was fortunate!  It has an interesting and seemingly magical cover.  Inside, it's a regular grid notebook, and on the back cover are instructions on how to keep a three-line positive diary, gratitude diary, and kindness diary.

The book itself concisely summarizes the content of books and videos Dr. Kabasawa has released so far, with many illustrations, and it's written in a conversational style, making it very easy to read.  It's the kind of book you could finish in a moment.

The message is that there is a priority to the three happiness hormones.  Firstly, serotonin (health of the mind and body, savoring nature, the happiness of being), secondly, oxytocin (relationships with people, affection), and thirdly, dopamine (sense of achievement, fulfillment, exhilaration, the happiness of doing).  Producing serotonin, the most important one, is crucial, followed by oxytocin, and lastly, dopamine.  If you seek only dopamine-based happiness while lacking the foundation of mental and physical health and loving relationships, your sense of happiness will be shaky.  Dopamine is also related to addiction.

Constant anxiety is due to tired brain.  The amygdala of the brain issues danger alerts to survive, whcih was useful in primitive times, but now, when it goes into overdrive, it leads to constantly thinking about anxious things.  Proper rest is what can stop the amygdala from becoming overreactive.  When the brain rests, the excessive excitement of the amygdala also subsides.

Therefore, relaxation is important. It's not about "lazing around," but about saying, "I'm glad I could take a good rest."

The priority order of relationships to focus on is family/partner, followed by friends, and then colleagues.

Effort is needed to build and nurture relationships. Having someone to consult with makes a huge difference in mental burden.  Loneliness is as detrimental to health as smoking.

Focus on hobbies and things of personal interest, actively participate in activities and social events.  Casual conversations with strangers are easy.  Relax and be yourself.  If you strike up conversations, you can meet companions and friends with the same wavelength.  When you meet them, cherish them.

It's only when you fall ill that you realize you've hit rock bottom. When you're healthy, you're at a 95 or even higher, but you don't realize it.  Happiness, the things you're blessed with, and things to be grateful for - take the time to count them all.  Happiness is easy to forget.  We often remember unpleasant things, but we can't leave traces of happiness.  So, it's important to write them down.  Let's write a gratitude diary at the end of the day.  (I actually keep one, and it's incredibly effective.)

Dopamine-induced happiness is prone to insensitivity and dependence.  It becomes a constant craving for "more, more!"  It would be beneficial to focus not only on dopamine-induced happiness but also on oxytocin-induced happiness.  For example, when achieving results at work and receiving a bonus, dopamine may bring feelings of accomplishment, joy, and excitement like, "I did it, I'm happy and feel amazing!" Oxytocin, on the other hand, may evoke feelings of gratitude such as, "Thanks to Mr./Ms. So-and-so for helping me, I succeeded and I'm grateful." or "My boss supported and evaluated me properly, so I received a bonus, and I'm grateful."  This creates a more stable foundation for happiness.

Therefore, praising with a "Wow!" is more dopamine-driven, while empathizing with comments like "You worked hard, it must have been tough." is more oxytocin-driven.  It's clear which one would sustain and nurture motivation, and smoothens interpersonal relationships!

I used to wonder how to strike a balance between accepting myself as is and the desire for continuous self-improvement, always seeking "more and more".  Now, I feel like I've found a solution that resonates with me.

It was an enlightening lecture!  However, what filled my heart the most was actually missing the first hour of the presentation because I was enjoying lunch and chatting with everyone at the co-working space (and it was a delicious, homemade café-style meal!). So, I was engrossed in in-person human connections, and the lecture on happiness was of second importance.  Isn't it just wonderful?  It is all thanks to Dr. Kabawasa's educational books and videos.  

11/30発売の本がもう手に入った! すばらしいーー








● 躊躇なく質問する。

● 理解を深める。

● 仮説が立ったら、すぐ共有して相手の意見を聞く。

● 解決策も思いついたらすぐその場で共有。

● 上司から部下へのアクティブリスニングだと、萎縮して話しにくいこともあるので、一対一で会議室で。相手が話し始めるまで気長に待つ。否定、アドバイス、常識的な意見はしない。

● 時間を取ってくれた相手に感謝し、聞き出せることのすべてを聞き出し、学ぶ。そのためにも事前知識や普段からのアンテナが大事。


● 友人・家族の場合は、上から目線にならないように、気をつける。

● 褒め、感謝した直後になにかの指摘をするのは効果なし! 「これよかったよ。それで、あの件だけどさっさとやってくれるか。」と言うと、褒め言葉は単なる枕詞となり、全くポジティブに受け取られない。褒めるのと指摘するのは別の機会にしたほうが良い。

● 部下の成果に関して、上司のポジティブフィードバック










「ベルギーの歴史を知るための50章」 / 松尾秀哉編著



  • ベルギーは南北でフランス語圏とオランダ語圏が棲み分けられている。
  • 首都地域は両方。
  • 南部ワロニー Walloons はフランス語圏、
  • 北部フランデール Flemings はオランダ語圏。
  • ドイツに隣接した南東部はドイツ語圏。ここの人たちは、ベルギー人というアイデンティティはもっていない、とも…?
  • 1830年にオランダから独立。
  • ざっくり言うと、オランダはプロテスタント、ベルギーはカトリックが多い(多「かった」、かも)
  • フランス語圏が権力を持ったり、オランダ語圏に経済的なハブが集中したりして、社会構造的な問題も含めた「言語論争」が絶えない。
  • アルベール一世はドイツがベルギーに侵攻した際(第一次世界大戦)、ベルギー軍を率いて連合軍(英、仏)とともに戦った。ので英雄とされている。山登りが趣味という庶民的な国王だったのでなおさら。(私が聞いても、かっこいいなあ!と思う。)
  • フェルホフスタットは、カトリック系ではない党(自由党)の、初の首相。キリスト教の政党による支配の終わりを象徴する。同性婚、安楽死を合法化した。
  • ヨーロッパ共同体を発案したのはベルギー。
  • 移民から搾取して利益を得ようとする一部の富裕層が、経済を傾け、失業率が高くなったところにイスラム原理主義などの「居場所」が生まれる。生活苦に喘ぐ移民の青年をテロリストに仕立て上げるという構図だった。
  • 2016年、ブリュッセルで同時多発テロ。
  • 2001年にメッレヘンの市長になったソマーズは、移民と現地民との「バディ制度」(メンター制度のようなもの)や交流会、食事会などを通して移民の受け入れ、共生を実現した。かつて治安も悪くテロリストの温床になっていたメッレヘンはとても住みやすい場所になったとのこと。
  • 小国ながら、南極探検で大きな貢献をした。
  • メルカトル図法を編み出した。
  • 世界的に有名な、タンタンの冒険というマンガを書いた。

  • 分裂問題についてどう感じるか。オランダ語圏とフランス語圏と分裂して違う国家になったほうが良いか。
  • ドイツ語圏について、どのくらい知っているか、親近感があるか。
  • 空港とかは、二言語? 国会演説などは…? 売られているもののラベルは?
  • 仕事でオランダ語圏からフランス語圏に引っ越した、とか、その逆とかはあるのか?
  • 大学でフランス語圏の人と友だちになった、とかあるのか? ていうか大学の授業は何語でやるの…?
  • 食などの地域性の違いは?
  • 彼のフルネームは? ファーストネームもファミリーネームもたくさん単語が並んでいる(笑)
  • 他のEU圏に働きに行くのはよくあることか?
  • ここを見たら(聞いたら)ベルギー人を見分けられる、みたいなのはあるか?
エリア・スタディーズはシリーズ通算200冊を超えたので、記念小冊子も刊行されていて、いただいてしまいました! アジア、アフリカなどの伝統料理を編集室で作ってみました!的な記事もあり。アフリカのウガリ、豆料理などあって、親近感。もっと色々読みたくなる。

Area Studies series from Akashi Shoten publisher.  I picked this up to prepare for a visit of a Belgian friend who will be here next spring.

It has 50 chapters on different but related topics, written by experts in an easy-to-understand manner, like a commentary.  Not as difficult as a scientific paper, but more serious than a travel guidebook.  The level of difficulty is just right.

I read this book from zero knowledge of Belgium! Here are some things I learned from it...

  • Belgium is divided into French-speaking and Dutch-speaking areas in the north and south.
  • Both languages are spoken in the capital region.
  • Walloons in the south is French-speaking, while
  • Flemings in the north is Dutch-speaking.
  • The southeastern area adjacent to Germany is German-speaking. People here do not identify themselves as Belgians...?
  • Independence from the Netherlands in 1830.
  • To put it roughly, the Netherlands is Protestant and Belgium is (or was) predominantly Catholic.
  • French-speaking countries gained power and economic hubs were concentrated in Dutch-speaking countries, and "language disputes," including social structural issues, have been constant.
  • When Germany invaded Belgium (World War I), King Albert I led the Belgian army and fought alongside the allied forces (British and French). He is considered a hero because of this.  He was a popular king also because he was a grounded person not like posh, and his hobby was mountain climbing.
  • Verhofstadt was the first prime minister of a non-Catholic party (Liberal Party).  He symbolizes the end of rule by a Christian party that had lasted many many centuries.  He legalized same-sex marriage and euthanasia.
  • It was Belgium that conceived of the idea of European Union.
Other famous Belgians include...

  • Despite being a small country, it made a major contribution to the Antarctic expedition.
  • Creator of the Mercator chart.
  • The world-famous comic book "The Adventures of Tintin."
This book was mostly about political history, so now I want to know more about Belgium's food and culture.  There is another book called "52 Chapters to Know Belgium" from the same publisher, which I will read next. 

Questions I have after reading this book and what I would like to ask my Belgian friends...
  • How do you feel about the controversial division discussion?  Would you prefer to be divided into Dutch-speaking and French-speaking countries and become different nations?
  • How much do you know about the German-speaking countries and do you feel close to them?
  • Airports, for example, are signs bilingual?Parliamentary speeches, etc...? Labels on things sold?
  • Do people move from a Dutch-speaking country to a French-speaking country for work, or vice versa?
  • Have you made friends with French speakers in college, or vice versa?  
  • In what language do they teach in college...?
  • What about regional differences, such as food?
  • What is his full name?  Lots of words in both first name and family name lol.
  • Is it common to go to work in other EU countries?
  • Is there anything you can tell a Belgian by looking (or asking a question) , or something like that?
Since Area Studies has passed the 200th book in the series, a commemorative booklet was also published, and I was given one!  There was an article in it that says the editors cooked some traditional Asian and African dishes in their editorial office!  African Ugali and bean dishes, etc. seems familiar to me.  The more you read, the more unknown things you discover! 



  • 人は何歳になっても成長する。
  • 読書はそのための手段。
  • 「攻めの読書」=目的意識を明確にして、役立てるつもりで本を読む。
  • マーカーを引く箇所… 「なるほど」「うまい表現だ」「他にはない、独自の洞察や知恵だ」
  • 読書・学習ブログをつける。ブログタイトルを20個くらいあらかじめ書いておく。
  • 読書記録用紙(チャレンジシート)をつける。下図参照。
  • アンテナを常に張っておくために、グーグルでキーワード登録しておき、関連記事が出たら通知されるようにする。赤羽さんの関心のあるキーワードは うつ病、DV、過保護、英語と日本人、中東問題など。
  • 週一冊読む。
  • 速く読むためには、メモを取りながら読まない。(メモは、読み終わってからあとから取る。)
  • 分からない部分があっても、読み返さない。
  • さっと、大筋を掴むことが大事としているので。




「人間関係に役立つ傾聴」 / 小宮昇

傾聴の本質 = 相手のことを、相手の身になって共感的に理解し、その理解を言葉で返す。

基盤 = そのままの相手を尊重する。そのままの相手を大切に感じて受け入れる。































これは、Oprah Winfrey さんが、「自分自身をまず満たしなさい。それが、あなたの最も、一番、何よりも大切なこと。最優先事項。他の人を助けるのは、それから。」と言っていたこと、「人を助けるのは、缶ジュースを1本買って、もう1本当たったから誰かにあげる、というのに近い。自分は既に満たされているから、もし断られても平気。もし自分が喉がカラカラで、1本しかない缶ジュースを相手に与えたとしたら、もし断られたり感謝されなかったりしたら、『何で!こんなにしてあげてるのに!』と腹が立つ」という記述を思い起こさせる。








Met up with an old friend from MI again!

Met up with an old friend in Michigan after 2 years!  We had a wonderful time catching up at a cozy Kyoto-style restaurant.  We have been chatting online, but nothing beats meeting in-person.  She helped me through a difficult time with many others, so I highly appreciate it, and I'm glad I was able to thank her in person.  She's thinking about switching careers, so I suggested she should become a councelor or a psychiatrist, as she is such an empathetic listner who gives good advice.   

ミシガンの友達と、二年ぶりの再会! 京都に来てくれるとはーー! 円安に感謝かな。おばんざいのお店でとてもおいし楽しい会話。チャットはよくしていたけど、やっぱり実際に会うのは違う。辛い時にいろいろ助けてくれて、親身になって相談にのってくれたので、そのお礼を直接言えてよかった〜。キャリアチェンジを考えてると言っていたので、カウンセラーとかどう?とても向いていると思うよ!と言っておいた。


Rohto data science career talk

Tuned in to a career talk about data science at Rohto Pharmaceuticals. 

Rohto basic info

Rohto products eye care, skin care, pharmaceutical, food. 

R&D budget 7 billion yen! 

R&D job - a work environment at this company

Has a lot of freedom. Lets you explore open frontier.

Research project really depends. Development, basic, or improvement, data science. You'd better be willing to do anything. The environment will be provided. 

Do write papers.

Meeting in English! Most important thing!

Food products has to come within 6 month period.

No data scientist job per se

Job title (category) - R&D.

Do wet experiments too.

No prior data science, biology, or chemistry experience needed. So then how do you select which one to hire?

E.g. someone published a paper in 2 year. 

Real world data + experimental data --> faster discovery

Regenerative medicine research based in Haneda?? -- looks like Rohto sponsored to open a lab within Fujii medical university Tokyo. 

Difference between academia and corporate

Academic research is comprehensive, test all possibilities, could dig into small details. 

Corporate research has an informed guess of most important mechanism. More targeted. Tests a hypothesis that will be useful in product development or marketing in a short span of time. 

けがした猫さん What to do with an injured animal outdoors

Two friends of mine contacted me that they've found a cat at a campsite.  The cat can walk and move around but has a scar on the face.  She's wearing a collar, so they wondered if she is from a domestic cat that got lost.  She was meowing so much that they let her in their car, and it found it so comfortable.  To be honest, I did not know what to do except that they could take it to the animal shelter but it may cause trouble to catch an adult, healthy cat to somewhere because the cat belongs to their owner, and if anything happens to the cat, the person who took the cat is responsible. Furthermore, it may be considered to be theft of a property (animals are considered to be an object with an ownership in Japan).  

To make things worse, the animal shelter was already closed for the day, and won't be open till four days after due to public holiday and them being closed on Thursdays.  However, as a volunteer, I knew people work at the shelter to take care of the animals, so I called them. They didn't answer, so I went there by bike.  Good thing I live just 5 min from there by bike!  Then one of the staff members, probably a vet, helped me out a lot - he basically said the same thing, healthy adult cats cannot be taken without the owner's permission.  They could ask around people in the area, or bring the cat to the nearby police station, but at a police station, the cat will not be treated very nicely as they don't usually have facility to accommodate animals.  Animals can only be taken to the animal shelter if they were found within Kyoto-city and seriously injured and cannot move by themselves.  So.., what they could do was quite limited. 

In the end, they bought some cat food and gave it to the cat, and left her at the camp site, hoping that the owner will find her soon.  She's quite tamed, so it will be easier for anyone to catch her if necessary.  I strongly hope so, too.  And I wish owners were more careful not to lose their cat.  Some are still kept outdoors. While it gives cats freedom to roam around, the possibility is super high of "free-range" cats to have a car accident.  Sad truth.  I learned so much from this experience, though I felt bad about not knowing much even volunteering for the shelter for almost a year now!

友人2人から、キャンプ場で猫を見つけたと連絡があった。 その猫は元気なのだが、顔に傷があるそう。首輪をしているので、迷子になった飼い猫だろうか? あまりにニャーニャー鳴くので、車の中に入れたところ、とても居心地よさそうに寛いでいた。正直なところ、動物愛護センターに連れて行く以外にどうしたらいいのかわからなかったのだが、健康な成猫を捕獲してどこかへつれていくのは、猫が飼い主のものであり、猫に何かあったら連れて行った人の責任になるため、トラブルになる可能性がある。しかも、飼い主の性格によっては、所有物(日本では動物は所有権のあるモノと考えられている)の窃盗とみなされる可能性もある。 

さらに悪いことに、動物愛護センターはその日はすでに閉まっており、もともと木曜日が休みで、しかも翌金曜日は祝日ということもあって、4日後まで開いていない。でも、木曜日も、センターで動物の世話をしている人たちがいるのは知っていたので、とりあえず電話してみた。しかし出ない。まあそりゃあそうでしょうね。なので自転車で行った。自転車で5分のところに住んでいてよかった! そして、職員さんの一人(たぶん獣医さん)がとても親切にアドバイスしてくれた。できるのは、その辺りの民家に聞いて回るか、近くの警察署に連れて行くかだろうということだったが、警察署には通常動物を収容する施設がないので、猫はあまりいい扱いを受けないだろう。 京都市内で発見され、深刻な怪我をしていて動けない場合のみ、京都動物愛護センターは受け入れる。だから、できることは限られていた。

結局、キャットフードを買って猫に与え、飼い主がすぐに見つけてくれることを祈りながら、キャンプ場に置いて行った。本当にそう願う…。その猫はかなり人に慣れているので、必要なら誰でも簡単に捕まえることができるだろう。 そもそも、飼い主が猫が迷子にならないようにもっと気をつけてほしい…。いまだに屋外で飼われている猫もいる。猫が自由に歩き回れる反面、「放し飼い」の猫が交通事故で亡くなる可能性はあまりにも高い。悲しい真実だ。1年近くシェルターでボランティアをしていながら、こういう時どうしたら良いかあまり知らなかったことを反省しつつも、今回の経験で多くのことを学びました!


へんなものみっけ! Biology researchers manga


A story about researchers working at a natural science museum.  It's relatable for me because they are biology researchers too.  This book explains a lot of intersting facts about rare animals including those that went extict..  I'd love to read the next volume.


How quickly I ran out of an ink pen

I've been doing the 0-second writing for more than 3 weeks now, and I'm surprised how much ink I've used.  I had so many unused pens that I got as a SWAG, but I can use all of them!  

I marked a black dot every day after the writing, so 2 dots indicate the amont of ink that I used by writing 10 sheets of paper.  I finished using this pen after 5 days.  Wow, writing uses so much ink, actually.


Downpour and hailing! 雨と雹!

This is a few weeks ago.  There was quite a downpour, followed by a hailstorm!  Such a strange autumn weather.  It was really like, raining cats and dogs, and hails rattling on the roof and the ground.  The hail was huge... just 50 meters away from home, I had to park my bike and take shelter till the hailstorm passes.

一週間くらい前のことですが、豪雨、続いて雹!に遭遇しました。ほんっとにたまたま、近所のスーパーに行っている間に滝のような大雨がふりだし、ちょっと雨足が弱まった頃を見てばーっと自転車漕いでたら、今度は雹が。 小さなあめ玉くらいの雹。大きい。これが頭に当たったらけっこういたいだろう。もう家まであと50メートルだったけど、雨宿り(雹宿り?)してましたーー。いやーこんなことあるんだ。