
「幸せの授業」/樺沢紫苑 新刊記念オンライン講演会も!

精神科医、樺沢紫苑先生の啓発系本をよく読んでいたのですが、新刊「幸せの授業」出版記念講演会がオンラインであったので参加しましたーー 先着500名限定で出版記念品「幸せの魔力ノート」までついてきました。ギリギリに参加申込したのでこれはラッキーだった…! なんか面白い、魔力のありそうな表紙です。中は普通の方眼ノート裏表紙には、3行ポジティブ日記、感謝日記、親切日記の付け方が書いてあります。 















ためになる講演会でした! でも、最も心満たされたのは実は、コワーキングスペースで皆さんとお昼ご飯を一緒に食べて(しかも手作りカフェごはん!!)おしゃべりしていたので講演の最初の一時間を聞き逃したことです。生身の交友関係に忙しくて、それが幸せに関する講義よりも大事だった、というのは、もう最高じゃないか、と思うのです! 樺沢先生のこれまでの本や動画のおかげですね。コワーキングスペースの皆さん、そして私を支えてくれる全ての人達のおかげです。


I often read books by Dr. Shion Kabasawa, a psychiatrist, and attended the online commemorative lecture for his new book, "The Lesson of Happiness."  Also I was lucky to get a commemorative item, the "Magic Notebook of Happiness.", which was limited to the first 500 registrants.  I decided to join at the last minute, so this was fortunate!  It has an interesting and seemingly magical cover.  Inside, it's a regular grid notebook, and on the back cover are instructions on how to keep a three-line positive diary, gratitude diary, and kindness diary.

The book itself concisely summarizes the content of books and videos Dr. Kabasawa has released so far, with many illustrations, and it's written in a conversational style, making it very easy to read.  It's the kind of book you could finish in a moment.

The message is that there is a priority to the three happiness hormones.  Firstly, serotonin (health of the mind and body, savoring nature, the happiness of being), secondly, oxytocin (relationships with people, affection), and thirdly, dopamine (sense of achievement, fulfillment, exhilaration, the happiness of doing).  Producing serotonin, the most important one, is crucial, followed by oxytocin, and lastly, dopamine.  If you seek only dopamine-based happiness while lacking the foundation of mental and physical health and loving relationships, your sense of happiness will be shaky.  Dopamine is also related to addiction.

Constant anxiety is due to tired brain.  The amygdala of the brain issues danger alerts to survive, whcih was useful in primitive times, but now, when it goes into overdrive, it leads to constantly thinking about anxious things.  Proper rest is what can stop the amygdala from becoming overreactive.  When the brain rests, the excessive excitement of the amygdala also subsides.

Therefore, relaxation is important. It's not about "lazing around," but about saying, "I'm glad I could take a good rest."

The priority order of relationships to focus on is family/partner, followed by friends, and then colleagues.

Effort is needed to build and nurture relationships. Having someone to consult with makes a huge difference in mental burden.  Loneliness is as detrimental to health as smoking.

Focus on hobbies and things of personal interest, actively participate in activities and social events.  Casual conversations with strangers are easy.  Relax and be yourself.  If you strike up conversations, you can meet companions and friends with the same wavelength.  When you meet them, cherish them.

It's only when you fall ill that you realize you've hit rock bottom. When you're healthy, you're at a 95 or even higher, but you don't realize it.  Happiness, the things you're blessed with, and things to be grateful for - take the time to count them all.  Happiness is easy to forget.  We often remember unpleasant things, but we can't leave traces of happiness.  So, it's important to write them down.  Let's write a gratitude diary at the end of the day.  (I actually keep one, and it's incredibly effective.)

Dopamine-induced happiness is prone to insensitivity and dependence.  It becomes a constant craving for "more, more!"  It would be beneficial to focus not only on dopamine-induced happiness but also on oxytocin-induced happiness.  For example, when achieving results at work and receiving a bonus, dopamine may bring feelings of accomplishment, joy, and excitement like, "I did it, I'm happy and feel amazing!" Oxytocin, on the other hand, may evoke feelings of gratitude such as, "Thanks to Mr./Ms. So-and-so for helping me, I succeeded and I'm grateful." or "My boss supported and evaluated me properly, so I received a bonus, and I'm grateful."  This creates a more stable foundation for happiness.

Therefore, praising with a "Wow!" is more dopamine-driven, while empathizing with comments like "You worked hard, it must have been tough." is more oxytocin-driven.  It's clear which one would sustain and nurture motivation, and smoothens interpersonal relationships!

I used to wonder how to strike a balance between accepting myself as is and the desire for continuous self-improvement, always seeking "more and more".  Now, I feel like I've found a solution that resonates with me.

It was an enlightening lecture!  However, what filled my heart the most was actually missing the first hour of the presentation because I was enjoying lunch and chatting with everyone at the co-working space (and it was a delicious, homemade café-style meal!). So, I was engrossed in in-person human connections, and the lecture on happiness was of second importance.  Isn't it just wonderful?  It is all thanks to Dr. Kabawasa's educational books and videos.  

11/30発売の本がもう手に入った! すばらしいーー

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