
クレープ会!! A crêpe party!!




小麦粉を篩う道具、専用のフライパンと返しへらも持参してくださっていて、準備万端! 仕事できる人だなーー。どんなことでも真剣に取り組めるってすごい。彼はクレープを何十枚も焼いて積み重ねた後、それを一枚一枚またフライパンに乗せて、今度はほうれん草やチーズなどの具を乗せて焼いて、四隅を折って四角い形にして、お皿に乗せてくれた! 一人ずつオーダーを聞いて焼いてあげていたから、その人はずっと立ちっぱなしでご飯を作る係…。すごい大変だっただろうなーー。感謝感謝です。


ああ、そして、招待されて、ただ彼がクレープを焼いてくれるのを待っていただけのある人が、「難しく、すごいことに見えるけど、クレープ焼くのは実は簡単なんだよ」とか言ってた。無礼だな…。あなたの人間性に関する私の評判は、ガタ落ちしちゃいましたわよーーって感じです。こういう時、角を立てずにやんわりと否定するには。「ええ? そんなこと言う人だとは思わなかったよ。簡単じゃないよ、何十枚も焼いて、大変なのに、今度は皆のために一枚一枚焼いてくれて、大変な労力だと私は思う。」って、「私は」で言えばいいのでしょうかね。つい、「~~すべき」「~~すべきじゃない」という口調になってしまうので。練習練習。


A French coworker made crêpes for us!! We had a crêpe party on Thursday night!!  

Apparently, in Christianity, there is a celebration called Candle mass 40 days after Christmas, where people enjoy crêpes and cider. So, we bought some cider and drank together to celebrate!  

I was reminded once again that there really are people who find joy in doing things for others. I've met such people before, but seeing it firsthand again made me appreciate it even more. I sincerely hope that this person's kindness will never be taken advantage of in this world…

He even brought a sifter for the flour, a special crêpe pan, and a spatula — he was totally prepared! Such a capable person.  It’s amazing how some people take everything they do seriously.  After making dozens of crêpes and stacking them up, he then took each one, placed it back on the pan, added ingredients like spinach and cheese, folded the edges into a square, and served it on a plate.  He took orders from each person and kept making crêpes for everyone, standing the entire time, just cooking for us.  It must have been exhausting… I’m so grateful!  

People who do things for others like that are truly incredible. I still have so much to learn, as I’m only capable of giving back in return…  

Oh, and then, someone who had just been sitting there, waiting to be served, casually said, "It looks difficult and impressive, but making crêpes is actually easy."  Seriously?  How could he say that?  That was so rude… My impression of that person plummeted right then and there.  

How can I respond to such remarks in a way that’s not confrontational but still makes my point? Maybe something like: 
"What?  I didn’t expect you to say that!  It’s not easy at all.  He made dozens of crêpes, and now he’s carefully making each one for everyone — it’s an incredible effort, and I truly appreciate it."  
Saying it from my own perspective might be the best way to go.  I tend to phrase things like "You shouldn’t say that" or "That’s not okay," so I need to practice expressing myself more gently.

Anyway, it was a truly heartwarming crêpe party…!

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