
「心配」と「信頼」 Worry and Trust

コワーキングの仲良し組での旅行、超ーーー深い、濃い時間を過ごせました。行く前から、道中も、楽しすぎて、はしゃぎすぎて、飲みすぎましたー!笑 それぞれ職業は全然違うのに、共通の関心事というのはたくさんあって、その一つがパートナーシップとか、心理学。


合わない仕事、合わない上司、合わない義両親など、日々頑張っている人はたくさんいる。「なぜ、そんなにつらいことを続けるの…?」と、疑問に思っていたことがあったのだけれど、メンバーの一人が、「自分も、打たれ強いというか、長い間我慢する方だから分かる。耐えて耐えて、それで、あ、もう無理。ってなるタイミングがあるから、それから考える。」 「あなたは、そういう人たちのことを心配しているのだけど、信頼はしていないのかもしれない。」と。


「なんで自分をそんなに痛めつけるの? 逃げればいいじゃん!」と私は簡単に言うし、実際に私は大変に堪え性が無いので即逃げるのですが(汗)、そう言ったら、我慢強い人は、「ああ、自分のことを尊重してくれてないし、信頼してくれてないんだな。」とガッカリするのかも。と思い至りました。


何だろう…… これは、その人が「自分には自分の人生を決める権利がある」と信じている場合の話、なような気もする。でも、信じていないとしても、それは「信じない」と自分の意志で決めたことなのかもしれない。











I had a super deep and intense time traveling with a group of coworking friends.  We had so much fun and so many drinks before and during the trip! One of our common interests was partnership and psychology.

There are many people who work hard every day with jobs that don't fit, bosses that pressure them, in-laws that are not nice, and so on.  I was wondering why they keep doing things that are so difficult.  One of the members said, "I understand them, because I am also a person who endures for a long time.  I know what it's like to put up with things for a long time.  I just endure and endure, and then time comes that I can't do it anymore. Then I think about what I'll do from then.  You worry about these people, but maybe you don't trust them."

These words were so powerful that I ruminating over them again and again...

Why are you hurting yourself so much?  Why don't you just run away?  So I would say simply, but I realized that I am not a patient person at all.  I realized that I should not be so worried about them.

"Worrying" seems to mean that you care about the other person, but it may just be blaming them or forcing your own ideas on them.  Of course, I don't want them to feel bad.  But in the end, it's their decision because they are independent adults. Even if they are doing something "because they have to", it is still their choice.  It doesn't change the fact that they are doing it of their own volition.

It seems to me, however, this "right to suffer" only applies when the person believes that they have the right to make their own life.  But even if they don't believe that, it may be that they have decided of their own volition that they don't believe that.

Anyway, so you can't know what the other person thinks or feels unless you listen carefully.  The important things are: the attitude of trying to listen, the attitude of trying to understand, and the determination to ask and listen knowing that there is no easy way to understand.

Not only in interpersonal relationships but also in work and stuff, I tend to make assumptions, make up my own explanations, quickly draw conclusions, and say, "Yes, that's it!  But things are not that simple.

Understanding what someone is feeling and thinking is a big deal.

That's why "love is an effort to make".


I saw another video that said, "Communication is the result between two people who make an effort to understand each the other." This resonates with me.

If you only shout out your point one-sidedly, you may be saying what you want to say, but that is not communication.

The primary goal is to understand the other person, and communication is the means to achieve that goal.

It's deep.

No matter how old I get, there are things I can do to discover new things, learn new ways of looking at things, and make my life and relationships better.  It was an insightful realization to me.

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