
もうやんカレー Mouyan Curry



野菜と果物をたっぷり入れた、さらさらしていつつも濃い味わいのカレーで、鶏肉がよく合いました。「革新的カレー賞」という賞を受賞した、らしい…1瓶3−4皿分作れて、1200円でした。それくらいなら悪くない! また食べたいなーー!と思えるお味でした!

Mouyan Curry is a famous curry restaurant chain with several locations in Tokyo.

It became a hot topic at my office, and we thought, 'Since there's no store in Kyoto, let's order it and try it together!' So, we ordered the curry roux and some of my coworkers prepared it for us.

The curry is made with plenty of vegetables and fruits, giving it a smooth texture yet rich flavor, which paired perfectly with chicken.  Apparently, it even won an 'Innovative Curry Award'... One jar makes 3-4 servings and costs 1,200 yen, which isn't bad at all!  It was so delicious that I want to eat it again.

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