
京都大原に行けました! Visited Ohara, Kyoto

遠方より朋来たりて、念願かなってやっと大原に行けたー! 自然豊か、蚊も豊か…笑 彼岸花がきれいで秋を感じました。大原産の野菜をたくさん使った野菜メインのレストラン、きりんに行ったり、滝を見に行ったり。野菜ビュッフェおいしかった。また来よう。

知り合いの方が、このあたりに引っ越したらしいのだけど、超のどかですやん… 京都に住んでる実感はあるのかなー?都会育ちだったら、こういう所、憧れるのかもしれないけれど。

大原に行ったのは偶然で、前日に友達とどこ行こうかーと話していて、御所とか複数候補が出たんだけど、「大原は?」「自分も大原を提案しようと思ってた!」となり。行くに至りました。で、後でメモ書きノートを見たら、「大原を訪れる」って書いてあって、それが本当に叶っていてビビった…! 書いたら叶うんだな本当に。書いたら、深層意識に刻まれるし、実行する手段を考えるもんなー。いや、すごいです…。叶えたいことは書こう。

A friend came from afar, and I finally got to visit Ohara, which I had been hoping to do for a long time. The area was rich in nature, that includes mosquitoes.  The cluster amaryllis flowers were beautiful, giving a real sense of autumn.  We visited a vegetable-focused restaurant that used lots of locally grown Ohara vegetables, went to see a waterfall, and explored some temples. The buffet lunch with lots of veggies was delicious!

A friend of mine recently moved to this area, and wow, it's super peaceful here... I wonder if he actually feels like he's living in Kyoto?  For someone who grew up in the city, a place like this may be quite appealing.

This trip to Ohara happened by chance. The day before, my friend and I were talking about where to go, and we had a few options, like the Imperial Palace (Gosho), but then one of us suggested, "How about Ohara?" and the other said, "I was actually thinking of suggesting Ohara, too!"  And that's how we ended up going.  Later, when I looked at my notes, I realized I had written down "Visit Ohara" before, and seeing that it actually came true kind of freaked me out!  It really does work—writing down your wishes.  When you write something, it gets etched into your subconscious, and you start thinking about how to make it happen.  Seriously, it's amazing...  I should write down the things I want to achieve!

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