特に、人相手の仕事を長年やっている人は、語彙力、話し方、雄弁さ、瞬発力、人の話を聴いて理解する力など、口頭言語に関する能力が高い! 当然のことながら、すごい分化しているというか、モノ相手の仕事を長年やっている私とは全然違う能力が育っているんだなーと。私が瞬発力に課題がある…のは、鍛えていないのだからしょうがない。発言のたびに心臓がドキドキする、臨戦態勢になる、あらゆる悪いことを想定してしまう、というのは、場数を踏んでいないからだし、よく知らない人、多数の人とのコミュニケーションが心理的負担になっているからである。と、冷静に自分を見ていた。ここは、「自分に無いものを持っていて羨ましい」、ではなくて、「モノ相手の仕事、自分に合った仕事ができていてよかった…」と思えたので、だいぶ自己受容が進んでいる。
The most significant thing I gained from this three-day philosophy retreat was probably...
Meeting leaders from different industries and professions—people I never would have encountered without this seminar. Observing the demeanor, thought processes, and career paths of top talent from leading companies was an incredible learning experience.
Particularly striking was how people who have worked with others for many years possess exceptional verbal skills—vocabulary, eloquence, quick thinking, and the ability to listen and understand others’ perspectives. Their verbal abilities are highly refined, reflecting the nature of their work. In contrast, as someone who has worked with "things" for many years, I realized that I’ve developed entirely different skills. For example, my quick-thinking abilities are lacking, but that’s not surprising since I haven’t trained them. My heart races every time I speak up, putting me into a fight-or-flight mode where I imagine all the worst-case scenarios. This anxiety stems from a lack of experience in these settings and the psychological burden of communicating with unfamiliar or numerous people. I observed myself calmly during the retreat, acknowledging these weaknesses.
However, instead of feeling envy for what I lack, I thought, "I’m glad I’ve been able to work with things, a type of work that suits me." This realization marked significant progress in self-acceptance.
After all, as Kant pointed out, humans have intrinsic value simply by existing. We are ends in ourselves, not means to an end. (Having read Kant now, I can confidently reference him!)
That said, it’s undeniable that these trained future executives stand out. Listening to their stories, though, I realized their lives aren’t without challenges: being scolded for mistakes, facing pressure to recover investments, bringing work home on weekends, or managing multiple subordinates. Corporate life clearly involves considerable stress, long commutes, and other hardships. Reflecting on this, I felt reaffirmed in my desire to live with a sense of mental freedom and control—contributing to society in ways that feel comfortable to me while earning enough to support my lifestyle.
It’s like being a casual tennis player watching Olympic-level athletes. Their skills and accomplishments are dazzling, but the sheer amount of effort, endurance, and hardship they endure is unimaginable. Only a select few have the drive and capability to go that far. For me, playing at a hobby level is sufficient. Pushing myself to the point of emotional and physical exhaustion by aiming for the Olympics would defeat the purpose.
Another realization I had while observing these highly capable individuals up close is that healing oneself or addressing personal trauma is truly "Phase 1" of life. That’s important, of course. But meeting these professionals—who have likely moved far beyond that phase—was deeply inspiring in a way.
They seemed to embody the mindset of: "The past is the past. I couldn’t control it, and I was hurt deeply. But that’s that. As a free individual, what can I achieve now? What can I contribute to addressing the problems of our time?" That’s the essence of what I see as "Phase 2" of life, and I now feel motivated to step into that phase myself!