

最近古傷が疼くようなことがあったので、かねてから気になっていたヒーリングワークベーシック、オンラインに参加してきました! アシスタントさんも含め総勢50名くらいで、人とつながり、心を癒やす体験でした。参加して本当に良かった…! カメラ必ずONにして、表情が見えるように照明を調節してください、とか、感情を扱うから、自分にも他の参加者の方にも優しく、自分の感情に責任を持ってください、ということをトレーナーさんたちが再三共有してくださっていたので、実際とてもスムーズだったし、画面上でも親密感を感じられました。





あなたを愛してくれた人の遺言は? 何らかの区切りがつく時、人は本音を言いたくなる。
「あなたは私にとっての◯◯でした」 救い、希望、喜び、癒し、生きがい など。






*              *             *



Lately, I had been feeling a bit restless about some things and felt like my old memories stinging again, so I attended a 2-day workshop called Healing Work Basic, Online, which I had been curious about for some time!  There were about 50 participants in total, including ~10 assistants, and it turned out to be an experience to connect with others and heal my old wounds.  I am so glad I attended!  It was well organized and very smooth, and I felt a sense of intimacy with others even on the screen because the trainers reminded us to turn on the camera, adjust the lighting so that your facial expressions will be visible, to be kind to ourselves and other participants because we were dealing with emotions, and to take responsibility for our own feelings.

Here's a record of activities:

◆Day 1
[Taking care of oneself and others]
Healing work using a stuffed animal, towels, and other things that can be used to give hugs.  We gave a good hug to our stuffed animal, imagining someone who we are thankful to, who is difficult to deal with, and ourselves.

Group Work
[That's your charm!]
We take turns to:
Share your weaknesses with teammates → They will say "That's what makes you cute!"
Share your strengths with teammates → They will say "I knew it!"
Share a good thing about your family→ They will say "I thought so!"

Aim: Even if someone thinks they are not good at something, others may think, "Oh, it's nothing to worry about. I think it's actually a good thing."  Then we can realize that it applies to us as well.  Also, you realize how much you underestimate yourself by noticing that it's easier to say bad things about you than saying good things about you.

[What I want to tell someone]
"Thank you," "I'm sorry," "I need your help," and "I love you."
When we are having trouble in inter-personal relationships, we tend not be able to say these four phrases, and negative feelings inside us smolder.

1. Think of a person (family member, friend, partner, etc.) with whom you have not been able to say those words.
2. Briefly share your relationship and status with that person with your teammates.
3. Ask someone in the team who reminds you the most of that person to role-play.
4. Pin the person.
5. Look the person in the eye and tell them the feelings and the words you have wanted to convey.
6. The role-player says, "Thank you for telling me that."

Aim: Even if you can't tell the person directly, you can tell your words to your role-playing teammate with confidence because you know they will definitely accept your words.  The words you wanted to convey and your feelings toward that person will become clear.

[The last words to you]
What is the last will and testament of someone who loved you?  When there is some kind of closure, people want to share their true feelings.

1. Act and think like the person who loved you.
2. Choose someone from your team to act the role of yourself.
3. Look into the eyes of the person and tell them, as if you were the person who loved you and is about to pass away.
4. Conclude with "You were XXX to me." with XXX being something like: "salvation", "hope", "joy", "healing", "purpose in life".
5. The person in the role says, "I knew that, thank you."

Aim: By becoming the person who loved you, you can clearly feel the love that person gave you. You can imagine that this person must have felt this way.  It is much more healing at this point...!

Forgiveness means to loosen strong feelings toward someone.  It does not mean to pretend that what this person did did not happen, but to "be mindful" of the fact that "this person may have been in pain, too". The essence of forgiveness is to become a person who can embrace even this person with great love. Your heart may say you're not ready to forgive yet. It's okay.  You can let forgiveness happen only when you feel "Maybe I can try to forgive this person".

◆Day 2
[Open Counseling]
A volunteer is selected at random to share their problems and talk with a counselor, while others are watching.  Learn the background of other people's experiences, thoughts, and problems, and witness together the process of drawing out past memories and traumas, and the person being guided and healed in many ways by a counselor.  By doing so, we can learn together and feel "Oh that's what it was all about", when you or someone close to you is in a similar situation or has similar thoughts.

We tend to look for "the answer", as shown by one of the participants in this session.  The "answer" is to look back at what went wrong, to analyze, to problem-solve.  But the "answer" itself is not what brings healing.  It's just acknowledging yourself for the hard work you did. "Well done." That's all you need to do to let healing happen. 

Group Work
[Sharing impressions of the focused counseling and thanking teammates]
Share thoughts, realizations, and impressions of the public counseling that took place.
Then, share what you learned and felt from certain members during the two days, and thank them for meeting you by saying "I learned XXX from you.  Thank you for meeting me." And that person replies, "Same here. Thank you for meeting me". 


It was intense two days...
I had much in common with my teammates, and it was valuable to be able to have such deep conversations meeting for the first time.  I was happy to witness the healing of others, to share my own experiences, to analyze, and to let others feel something warm and deep.  It's hard to spend a time that sticks in the mind like this!

Relationships create all problems and heal all problems, just as Adler said.  It would be wonderful to be able to cooperate with others at such a healing seminar.  I'm curious about what I can do to support and advocate this kind of activities.  I would give it my all as a staff member, and think it is much more important than making a profit or something.

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