確かに、ソプラノは主旋律だからけっこう初見でいける。ありがたやーー! と思うと同時に、声掛けの重要性を実感した。周りからの声は暗示であり、自分は無意識にその通りに行動しようとするのではないか。できるという期待でも、できないという期待でも、それに沿うように。
When I first received the scorebook of 'Our Favorite Songs', my initial reaction was, “Whoa, there are so many pieces!”
During group rehearsals, even the assistant conductor mentioned, “These pieces are difficult. You won’t be able to sing it on the spot, so make sure to practice on your own.” I thought, "Seems like.." and braced myself.
But the soprano ladies reassured me, “Don't worry, it’s all songs you can sight-sing.”
And, without finding time for prior practice, the rehearsal day arrived... And indeed, as a soprano, who usually carries the melody, I managed to sight-read most of it. I felt both relieved and grateful. At the same time, I realized how important positive encouragement can be. The words we hear from others act like suggestions, unconsciously shaping how we respond—whether the expectation is that we can succeed or that we might fail.
There’s a big difference between hearing "You won’t manage, so make sure to prepare", and "You’ll be fine—you can do it."
Even though it’s the same music, the mindset shifts dramatically. If I were only told, "You won’t manage," then even if I successfully sight-read 70–80% of the songs on my first try, I might focus on the parts I couldn’t do and think, "Wow, this is hard. I knew I couldn’t nail it perfectly without practicing beforehand."
On the other hand, if I were told, "You’ll be fine," then with the same 70–80% success, I’d probably think, "Oh, this isn’t so bad! I did it! There were a few tricky spots, but I’ll just review those later."
In which state of mind would I enjoy singing more? It is as obvious as daylight!
Encouragement really matters. Words can guide us both positively and negatively. Being aware of that influence, I want to be more mindful of the messages I convey through the words I use each day.
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