
雷鳥神社 @下京区新日吉町

メキシコ料理のお店だった! 大きなグリルチキンが美味! わりとしっかり味がついてて、ソースとか副菜とかも加えても、味変になって全部美味しかった!


お店の中に神社があって、驚いた…! お参りできるそう。雷鳥神社。もともとあったのかな?

It turned out to be a Mexican restaurant!  We had a large grilled chicken, and it was delicious!  It was quite well-seasoned, and even when adding sauces and side dishes, it gave a nice flavor variation, and everything tasted great!

I went with a friend who's experiencing "I don't want to return to reality" syndrome after having so much fun on a trip.  So, we reminisced the fun we had during the trip as an effort to come back to reality, lol.

There was a shrine inside the restaurant, which surprised me...!  Apparently, you can pray there.  The restaurant's called Raicho Shrine, and I wonder if it was always there before this restaurant was opened?

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