
自己主張、と、そこまで気張らなくてもいいかもしれないのに、という話。Self-assersion, or the avoidance of it


あまりに暑く、あまり頭も働かなかった…。普段は歩くの速い方なのに、一緒に行った友達が早足でスタスタ歩いていく。「ちょっと、もう少しゆっくり歩いてくれない?」と、言えばよかったねえ… ケンカしない症候群がまたも。全然、言い争いになることというほどでもないのに、言い方がわからないだけだろうな。回避型だなー自分、と思う。この友達は、多分、「なんで自分、気づかなかったんだろう」なんていじいじせず、「あ、そうやんな。ごめんごめん。」って言ってくれて終わり、な気がするのに。



It was so hot that my brain wasn’t really working.  Normally, I’m a fast walker, but the friend I was with was walking briskly ahead.  I should’ve just said, “Hey, can you slow down a bit?”  But of course, my "conflict avoidance syndrome" kicked in again.  It wasn’t even something that would’ve caused an argument, but I just didn’t know how to say it calmly.  It clearly reminded me that "I'm so avoidant."  This friend would probably just say, "Oh, you're right.  Sorry about that!" without overthinking it or feeling bad, and that would be the end of it.

Instead of saying “Why are you walking so fast?” or “Why are you being so inconsiderate, walking at your own pace and not thinking of me?”  I could’ve just said, “Could you slow down a little?”  Most likely, he simply didn’t realize that he was walking so fast.  I need to stay calm and approach things like, “It would make me happy if you could do this...”  That is my problem, not theirs.  It's something to work on...

How childhood experiences affect one's thoughts and behaviors is overwhelming. Parents or guardians have a huge influence that could change the whole like of their child. How many people know that before becoming parents? 

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