
Experiment with ChatGPT AIで実験

I've got an interesting experiment, and I'd love to ask for your thoughts on this. I used chatGPT to translate this Japanese text in English, and I asked some English speaking friends to compare its output with my own translation.  Turned out that ChatGPT produces pretty natural English text, which is impressive. 

It's revolutionalizing our way of thinking and writing.  I think that's something like a printing machine or a cell phone, which made the impossible possible.  We should be able to make use of AI to make human life better and sustainable.

Japanese: 幼少期の経験が、人の考え方や行動にどれほど深い影響を与えるかを考えると、気が遠くなる。親になる前に、何人が、それに気づいているのか。

ChatGPT: When you think about how deeply childhood experiences can shape a person's thoughts and behavior, it feels overwhelming. How many people realize this before becoming parents?

Rie: How childhood experiences affect one's thoughts and behaviors is overwhelming. Parents or guardians have a huge influence that could change the whole like of their child. How many people know that before becoming a parent? 

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