



そしてそれは常に太陽が当たる方角><)。それはひょっとして、体の左側にある心臓を壁側につけて守るため? 攻撃を繰り出しやすい右手がより自由に動かせるため? そんな防衛本能かもしれない...!!


Banal platitude

As the way I created to memorise the word "plastic attitude", a platitude may simply be a daily routine, given much less attention than it was hoped to be.

It always reminds me of short prayers. I am not saying that religious believers are repeating their prayers mindlessly. I am talking about what happens when you force a large sum of people to repeat several phrases every single day. It would be just one of the things they do at a particular time of the day, just like brushing teeth or watching news. The intention may have been to familialise people with the idea, but they get too used to it and stop thinking about it. The phrase will just be meaningless, banal platitude. They, themselves, are just having their people do it without much consideration. There are too many things repeated over time without a reason or a purpose, in the pretext of following the tradition. Why is the brainless, empty custom acting so big? Isn't there anyone who thinks? When on earth does that seeking-to-be-the-majority attitude end?


The flaws of democracy - but what else could we have?

Voltaire also says;

The best government is benevolent tyranny tempered by occasional assassination.

The latter part I do not quite agree, but I agree with his implication of the first part. The shortcomings of democracy. If there is such a thing as "benevolent tyranny", that would work the best for the country and people, despite the fact that it would be difficult to oust the ruler without his consent.


Copying to create

Voltaire says; Imagination is judicious imitation.

We must learn something in order to create something.


New word : audacious

What an audacious resident.
I can't believe how come someone can complain about community cleaning plans. It's a scheme for keeping shared places clean, such as parks and ditches. Individual private properties are not included. Yet, someone insisted that it should contain the trench very close to his house. It may be hard to do it by himself, but it's too much to ask to include it in the community's activity. It's not good to take everyone's time for a single beneficiary.


Lake Usa

I knew the existence of the lake/cistern across the road from the company for a long time, but it was my first time to go take a close look at it. It was a calm, beautifully clear lake. The reflection of the mountains far back, and the grass with yellow flowers formed a very nice picture of an autumn twilight.



ハープからティンパニまで、オーケストラの音は何でも再現しちゃいます! 深みのある伴奏になっているーー! あと二週間!!!



競合他社どうしの大麦担当の方々がたまたま全員女性で、じゃあもう皆で研修(という名の旅行?) に行っちゃおう!という流れだったらしい。東京で第一回があり、意気投合したので第二回目。四名の東京レディースは玄関から入る時から既にワイワイきゃーきゃー。華やかムード全開でした。出身地云々というより、タイプが違うという感じ。そりゃあ、職種が全く違うので。


工場見学から会食までたっぷりの行程だったけど、全て楽しんでいただけて良かった! カクテルを手作りして好評だった。お酒に強い人ばかりだったので、こちらが圧倒される!

「せっかくだから女子会みたいな会話しようか!」「じゃあ大麦の可愛いところは?」「えー、ふっくらしたところ?」みたいな...(笑) 反応に困るわぁ(笑)。 仕事の話は一切なく、ざっくばらんで気楽な会だった。(ちょっと個性的な)友達と普通にご飯食べてる感じで楽しかった。よく笑ったし、違う分野の人と話すのは刺激になる。

ちょっと思ったけど、世界の首脳が全員女性だったら、争いは減るんじゃないか。変なプライドもないし、領土拡大の野心もないし。世界の女性首脳が一堂に会して女子会したら、多分ひとしきり家族の話題と美味しい食べ物の話をして、子供がいる人は子供の教育や衛生面改善の話なんかもして、「ウチの国の若い人たちにもっと海外経験してほしいの。あなたの国と交流協定しない?」「うちも〜」 みたいな流れで、争っていたのに仲良くなったなんてことが起こりそう。そうだったらいいのになあーー