
Busy week

One important presentation is done! Questions&Answers; not bad.

One more is coming on Friday! Preparing a lot of handouts and analyzing data. I'm always one of the latest to leave the lab.

The later I stay at the office the more I can concentrate... of course there's less people talking, few phone calls.

It's almost done~~~

I want to rest this weekend doing nothing~










昭和中期?の教科書なんかもあり、値段が190円くらいでビックリ… 教科書が200円くらいの時代に1ドルが360円だったんだから、スーパー円安だ…当時は海外旅行なんて想像もつかなかったんだろうな。

手作り缶バッジ制作コーナーがあったので体験♪ 童心に帰った…昭和生まれですから。


落石しないように工事してるらしいけど、石でできてるからそもそも無理なのでは?! 紅葉の頃は本当に綺麗だろうなと思う!



福澤諭吉がそこまですごい人だったとは知らなかった… 先見の明があって、何をなすべきかがわかっていて、それを巧みに実行に移せた人だったんだなあ。



Usa tour

I had a great time~~~

We went to 羅漢寺、耶馬トピア、福沢諭吉旧居、中津城! The weather was OK, not so cold, a bit of sunshine once in a while..

Driving, chatting, eating, climbing, eating again... just had a great time with my friend.

We both have a lot of things to worry about and contemplate carefully, but this weekend is the time to put all of them off of our shoulders.

Car's convenient... it takes us everywhere. Looking forward to the 2nd day of USA tour... wondering where to go?


To do or not to do?

It is damn difficult to handle my own feelings...

I don't know how to deal with this. Cannot concentrate on things very much.

Is it going to be easier if I open up everything? Risking the current favorable things?

Even if I tell this to somebody, s/he doesn't have the answer. The only way to make it clear is to ask. The only way to find it is to face it.

Sometimes it's hard to say if it's right or wrong, it can only be said after everything is done.

If everything is predictable, then nothing will be exciting, but there are some things that I wish are foreseeable.....





とりあえず宇佐神宮、今日新聞で見た青の洞門も良さそう。それからミトコンドリア? 唐揚げも名物だからありだな… 豊後高田の昭和の町も面白いかな。住んでるってだけで観光したことないから、予習しよう……



It's fun to bake!

Cheese party

These are the souvenirs from my colleague who went to Innter Mongolia last month.

The cheese tasted different from what we have in Japan. It's lighter, just like milk, so you can add anything to flavor it. If it is daily food, it should be plane so that it will match with anything, just like white rice.

Winter holiday

It was another a short 6-day holiday.

We made and ate good food, made rice cake as usual. I think we were always eating.. I didn't go anywhere, so it was a very relaxing holiday.

Gingerbread house!!!

Happy New Year:D

It's been more than a week now, but I tried to build a gingerbread house with my friend!

Gingerbread house is like a house made of cookies jointed by icing.

Preparing two types of dough, plain and cocoa, we baked the cookies first, the building blocks of the house. It was fun to draw the brick pattern on the walls.

Just baking cookies took more than 3 hours and we needed extra 3 hours to assemble them into a house. It was quite difficult because one of the side of the wall was wavy because it was not completely flat when baked. So it is important to have them flat on a large plate, and to make them identical so that they stick together and stand more easily.

After straggling, we finally made it!!!!XD

It's a bit fragile, but it stood so that we could attach the chimney and the door. Too beautiful to eat!! It was fun! I really enjoyed making it. I made some more cookies with the extra dough and gave them to my colleagues. They were surprised I made a gingerbread house. I'm glad they liked it.