





明日は200V電源の設置工事! これで新しい粉砕機が入れられて、粉砕作業が即攻終わるようになる!! 文字通り、瞬間粉砕してくれるパワフルな粉砕機が入る予定。今まで少量ずつ2分かけて荒削りしてたのが…らっくらくに!! もっと早くいろんな機器の更新しなくちゃ。効率がぜんぜん違う。






1. カンタスでアデレードからメルボルンへ。運転手さんもメルボルンについていろいろと教えてくれた。オーストラリアっぽい。
2. シンポジウムの夕食はクリケットスタジアム内で、一風変わった趣向。芝には夜も光を当てて、芝生を育てていました。
3. メルボルンの夜景は綺麗だった☆
4. シンポジウムは有意義だったー☆ メルボルン、また来るね!と言わせてしまうような、そんな所。

1. Flew with Quantas. Very Australian.
2. The symposium informal dinner was in a restaurant inside the cricket stadium. The lights on the grass enables 24-hour photosynthesis and helps the plant grow faster to make the cricket ground!
3. The nightview of skyscrapers was awesome.
4. With good memories of the symposium, see you again, Melbourne~~

Barossa Valley

1. 南オーストラリア州一大ワイン生産地、バロッサバレー視察に行ってきました。土日を挟んだので、日帰り視察旅行ができて嬉しかったな。

2. Jacob's Creekというワイナリーで、試飲とかオフフレーバー化合物をかいでみたりとか。面白い。
3. ワイナリーは会社資本が入っているところが殆どで、大量生産、大量輸出体制。機械でブドウを収穫しやすいよう、木の高さは全部揃えられていた。うーん、合理的。

1. We had some time during the weekend, so we visited the biggest wine producing region in SA, Barossa Valley.
2. At Jacob's Creek visitor centre, we tried some different kinds of wines and learned about typical off-flavour compounds found in old, stale wines. It was informative and interesting.
3. Most of the wineries in Barossa are company-funded, and they produce wine for export in large quantity. So, the vine trees are grown uniform so that they can handle the grapes using machinery. Very practical and efficient.


⒈ 香港で乗り継いでアデレードへ。
カプチーノは23香港ドルだった。450円くらい。高いー けどその高さが外国通貨のためピンとこず。1ドル100円って考えやすくて便利だったんだな。高いけど。
⒉ リアルパンダもいた。ちょっと怖い?
⒊ ホテルに飾ってた花。綺麗^_^
⒋ 夕食前にはバーへ立ち寄る。5時に帰れるっていいな!
⒌ 打ち合わせのあとは報告書作成... 夕食でワインを飲んだあと、午後11時頃。超眠い。けっこうハードなときもあるんです。
⒈ transit at Hong Kong.
One cuppcino cost HK$23, which is roughly ¥450. It's expensive but it didn't fell so pricy because of the unfamiliar foreign currency. AU$1= ¥100 is expensive but very easy to convert..
2. The panda looked real and a bit scary?
3. The flower displayed at the reception desk of my hotel in Adelaide. Very nice.
4. We had some time before dinner appointment, so we chilled out at a bar. I liked the lively atmosphere. Yay it's a Friday night!
5. After scrumptious, bulky Italian dinner with some fancy wine, it's time to work on the meeting report of the day. I felt soooo sleepy.. But it's important to keep record of what we discussed and share them.
I feel I should come to Adelaide for leisure every time I visit there.


Presentation overview

Great tasting session.
It's better to have a topic to discuss. I had two things: my presentation and shochu tasting session.
I had a second thought, but it was great that I decided to do it. Thanks to the huge help from the secretariat, our collaborator and my colleague, it was a successful tasting event! Most of the people who tried liked it. Some even asked me if it's available in Melbourne or Perth. I was thrilled. We have to construct our English website, and build a foundation to deal with non-Japanese customers.

It was a long day, but what a fantastic, fulfilling day.

My stomachache turned out to be good. Misfortune can be a seed of fortune. I said "First of all, I've been suffering from stomach cramp since Saturday. So I'm sorry in advance if I fall silent in the middle of my presentation, and allow me a few seconds to let it pass." It was a good idea... It's awkward to suddenly become speechless, so it was better to mention it beforehand. Many people kindly asked me if I'm feeling better. Slightly but steadily...

One of our collaborators told me that my oral presentation sounded like an Australian giving, if he closed his eyes. Australian English is becoming more and more familiar to me. It's great if my English improved.

Symposium wrap up

ABTS was great... It was such a nice opportunity to get to know people. I like Australians smile when they make eye contacts. They are friendly and nice.


Our collaborating professor said my presentation was well appreciated. In fact, many people came to me and told me that I presented very well.

Language plays an important role. However great an idea is, it wouldn't be of value if it's not delivered and explained properly. There are many cases like that in the symposium, too. The importance of an innovative research couldn't be understood too well because of the speaker's limited language, especially pronunciation. It's not easy to acquire a second language while doing research, but the deliberation skills should also be polished so that the research project will be appreciated properly.

But, easier said than done. The more I practice my oral presentation, the more I felt English was very different from my first language, and it was a considerable obstacle for me to deliver my ideas and thoughts. It's kind of unfair, but we all agree that we need a common language to discuss in the same field of science, and agree upon the use of English.
Probably after staying in an English-speaking country, it will be easier to keep talking without stumbling. As words come out of the mouth more naturally, people tend to pay less attention to pronunciation. I've got a long way to go, but the only way to improve is continuous efforts.