
Haneda airport

Holiday season is approaching...
This tree is so tall and beautifully decorated.



It went alright I guess.. Test questions were not so tricky, rather straightforward, and wouldn't fool you most of the cases. In other words, if the article says that he plays basketball twice a week, then one of the questions would be "How often does he play basketball?" Oh dear! It sounds quite elementary but if it was in Chinese or any other language you are not familiar with, you might miss it!

So luckily, I was able to answer a few questions using common sense.

The most luckiest thing is that one of the compositions was the exactly the same as the one I studied on the previous night! It's important to practice reading or writing it till you memorize it, because it will be too bad if you remember studying it but cannot remember exactly how to do it.

Anyway it's over and now is the time to fully devote myself to English!!!


Korean dinner

Very healthy ginseng soup with red dates. Super nice! It was my first time to go to Bungotakada city~


It was so warm today!

The temperature reached 25C! It rained a lot and after that it became sunny. It was like the end of summer.. Strange weather.


Thinking about becoming a vegetarian..



Should fully be concentrated on the Chinese test next week. Less than two weeks to go and right after that going to Tokyo to attend a seminar then my first experience as an interpreter... Seems piles of work is ahead me.

Interpretation is hard. I now try to put any conversion I hear into English and check up new words, and found it it's a completely new process. Sometimes a long Japanese sentence can be a very short one when said in English, and vice versa mainly because a certain phrase is required to follow the main idea but in another language it is not. It's interesting that those sentences are often closely related to the cultural background of the speakers.

Insertions such as 「〜ということで」are also difficult to paraphrase into English. Often we spoke broken Japanese that lack objective or subject and with a lot of cutting insertions.
「〜を広めたほうがいいということで参加した」-->""We wanted to introduce it"? "...in order to introduce it"? "we agreed to participate it and introduce something"?

Even those easiest things cannot be translated so easily. More study is required for this. Hmm


I've decided.

And I'm not going to regret it.
We can't have everything we want.. We always have to choose what to take and what to give up. I'm sorry I've been too greedy and caused some people an extra work. Won't happen again!











Fake Thai food

An attempt to mimic Thai fried noodle failed.. I think I boiled the dried noodle for too long and it became like starchy gruel. The sticky noodle did not mix well on the frying pan, nor did it cook through. It burned on the bottom, the vegetables were still raw. It was out of control on the pan so I microwaved the porridge-like dish.

This was the worst failure in my cooking history.. Oh no! I was dreaming of eating homemade Thai cuisine tonight.

Should try another kind of noodle. And big bow to the superb Thai chef, and sincere prayers for the flood sufferers out there...





ストレス耐性がものすごくついた、というのはほんとだと思う。Every cloud has a silver lining.、 If it's good, it's fantastic, if it's bad, it's experience.、 Happiness lies in what you already have, not in what you desire to have. とかいう言葉が好きだー。






立て込むときはめちゃくちゃ立て込む!Feast or famine ということわざもあるみたいだから、ちょーどいい時なんてのはそんなにないんだろう。

今日は、次々来る仕事とか締め切りとかにどう対処するかという話題。ある人はぎりぎりになってから一気に仕上げる短期集中型。ある人は前々から取り掛かって特に追い込まずに終わらせるコツコツ型。他業務の兼ね合いもあるから、なかなか難しい。私も以前は短期集中型だったけれど、それでは本当にぎりぎりになり、見直す時間がなくてミスがあとで発覚するというにがーい経験が何度かあった。教訓として、とりあえず早く始めることにしている。何でも。まず、課題は何なのか、何をしなければいけないのか、どれくらいのペースで? 計画を立てるのは早いに越したことはない。完成まで余裕があるから軌道修正もできるし、急ぎの仕事が入っても予定調整しやすいし、見直しもできる。この手法はかなり自分に合っていると感じる。まだ時間があるからしなくていいやーという怠け心にさえ打ち勝てば、納期、品質ともに十分。一度にいくつものことをしようとすると、何かやり残してしまうので…早期に敵を知り、いっぱいいっぱいにならないで済むような対策を練らねばっ。

