
Peace of mind...

When stressed, alleviate it with things that appeal to your five sense. Seeing amazing landscape, listening to soothing music, hugging a pet or a plush, burning scented candles, and eating delicious food."

Well said! My desk will be surrounded by those cute, adorable and fluffy animals!


Ride with a legendary plant breeder

I had a fun drive from the field to campus the other day with one of my advisers. He is a longstanding plant breeder with decades of experience. He took notes in the field, and showed me some diseased plants, his yield trial plots.

On the way back, he asked me to stop by at a shop where they sell apples, baked goods and ciders. It first started out as a apple sale stand, where they would sell apples from their orchards and closed out during wintertime. He has been a royal customer for decades. Now, the orchard got bigger and the shop is a nice country building with lots of homemade and other foods. The founder's daughters and granddaughters are helping run the shop. He got a bucket (bushel) of Gala apples saying he is going to share them with his daughters and grandchildren. He gave me one to try while I was driving after giving it a rub on his clothes. It was sweet and crispy.

We talked a lot - he is very interested in agriculture in general,  knowledgeable not only the bean industry but other crops, too. He explained how the elevators try to sell all the crop within a year of harvest before new crop comes in. Canners want fresh beans, and sometimes depending on supply and demand, some market class of beans would sell out, while others remain as carryover. Canners only want to buy for the next 3-6 months.

Carryover beans will be sold at less price. Major supermarkets buy those carryover beans for less price, have them canned and sell them as their own brand for cheap price. Others go to school lunch programs. It's a shame that public schools in the US do not spend a lot of money on school meals. Then others go to pet food. It's a good source of protein. Others go to overseas market. The problem is that only the seeds are old at the time they are shipped to overseas market, the shipping and storing conditions at the port is suboptimal, which makes beans hard to cook. Since beans are living organism, they age and deteriorate under poor storage conditions.

He told me about two fires that occurred last year in two different households. The houses were close to each other, only a mile apart, and their house or their barn got burned down. The one whose barn was burnt did not have enough money to rebuild it, so they went out of business. The farmer used to have old cattle breed with unique pattern, black head, white in the middle, and black rear, affectionately called "Oreo" by his group. Now the cattle are sold and the farmer is retired. The two cases may have been arson, but we don't know.

It was in the middle of potato harvest in some farms. He said they plant rye immediately after harvesting potato to prevent soil erosion. Since the soil in that area is sandy and dries up quickly, it cannot retain nutrients. So they plant rye to retain nitrogen and other water-soluble nutrients. Rye grow quickly and good at scavenging nutrients in the soil. It's also convenient that rye are winter hardy. Just before planting, they will cultivate rye into the soil, and the field will be ready for next crop because nutrients held by rye are tilled into soil. It is impressive how farmers use resources wisely to get best out of their filed with particular soil type under particular climate.

He also told me about the new milk processing facility and a soybean processing facility that are being built now. After their completion, Michigan dairy farmers and soybean farmers will no longer have to drive out of state to sell their milk or soybeans, so it will encourage soybean and dairy production. And beans will be pushed out of fertile land to more marginal poor land, unfortunately. Soybeans are used to produce oil, and the soybean meal is used to feed cattle. The dairy and meat industry is so huge that the demand for soybean meal is high, a good source of protein for animals. The milk processing facility will be the nation's largest, it seems, being able to process 8 million pounds of milk per day.

With his navigation, we passed a cucumber storing facility, too. Michigan is a leading producer of pickles especially for machine-harvested ones. When farmers bring their crop, it will be stored in a brine solution with salt and sugar until they are brought to pickling companies. Cucumbers are very high in moisture and perishable, so they need to store them for a year-long supply of pickles. I took granted the all-year supply of pickles, but now know how they make it possible.

Then we passed through a small town where a German sect (I forget the name of it..) of Christians live. A restaurant called Middleton Diner is very good, according to him.

We passed through an area on the highway where there used to be a mint farm. They grew mint and distilled it to make essence there, so when they pass that road, it smelled like mint and it was a refreshing time. But they have not produced mint for several years. He has indeed so many stories to tell after going to the field for 40 years.

I learned a lot! It was inspiring to talk with such an intelligent, experienced breeder with a lot of humour. He is very curious about anything and so much to tell you. How many times will I get to talk with him like this, since he is retiring very soon...?

Granger Meadows Park

Went to a very nice park last weekend. The trail was long and well paved, the views were nice, the plants were beautiful!

It's cool in the woods.

Trail in the woods.

"Koi pond"

Strange buds? Fruits? No idea but fascinating!

Another strange, prickly, and dry plants.

Gorgeous wine dinner

Went to a fund-raising event for the choral conducting graduate students at the university. It was held in the conductor's house, which is huge and gorgeous and used as an event space (I can tell by the number of chairs and couches in the two-resident house!). With $100 donated to my fellow graduate students, I mingled with other attendees to this high-class experience of wine tasting paired with  appetisers and choral pieces performed by the choral graduate students.

The fund-raising organisation, Choral Society, plans a lot of events for choral class participants, and they have their own napkins and wineglasses for us to take home! I was a bit nervous because I did not know anyone there, but I made some friends and enjoyed the event. Again, I sat with a retired paediatrician, who is very bright and asks smart questions on my research. It was very fun talking with her and her friend. 

And of course the appetisers were delicious and well-seasoned. The wines are alright, I liked one out of the 6 we tried. Though all were from France, it tasted a bit bland to my taste. The wines I had in France had more flavor. Did the wine committee (American) choose less flavorful ones? It's interesting that people's taste is vastly different. Other events organised by this group include lecture by the conductor on the pieces that we will perform in a concert for each semester.

The choral graduate students will sing just for us!! There is microphone, music stand, piano, and everything you need to host a home recital. And the house is huge!! In the bedroom I found a couple framed pictures of the conductor and his partner taken when they were younger. It seems they have been together for a long time. It was a good feeling to know that even though a lot of the participants are catholic (I didn't ask each of them, but saying just by demographics and statistics), they are understanding on the same-sex relationship of the conductor and his partner. It is true that university city residents are more liberal, but it still is heartwarming and encouraging.

Today's wines and songs.



Career development webinar advice

- If you don't like your job, your boss will probably know it and you won't be performing at your best.

- There wasn't a key moment when they noticed oh, this is the thing I want to do with my career! So seize a chance when it's given to you. 

- Make yourself always marketable so you'll be ready when your company gets bought, closed or your position cut down.

- Learn new skills, plan your work, work with people, and get things done. That's what the industry look for. 

- In food industry research is less important and development is more important because that's what makes profit. But product is born out of research outcomes. 

- Fill the product development pipeline full so that the company continue to make money. 


Sunset and protein

Tried out protein powders! Both were vanilla flavored and easy to drink in my coffee.

 The sun sets earlier these days.. at 7:30? It's dark at 8 already. Winter is coming...!!


大学構内で、お菓子やバーベキュー、ビールまで広げ、ピクニックをするのがTailgate. 皆さんやってます。音楽かけたり、どうやって発電しているのか、大型スクリーンのテレビまで大きな車の後ろ部分に積んでいて、テント張ってグリルで火を起こして、試合観戦しながらちょっとしたキャンプ状態。「楽しむのに必死になっている」、という表現は奇異に聞こえるがまさにそう。

ドーム内は広かった! 7万5千人収容できるそうです。



MSUとなっている! 夏の夕方、帰り際にマーチングの練習をしているのを何度も見かけていたので、練習の甲斐あったねえ…素晴らしいーー!と保護者気分。




相手チームのマーチングはみんな座っていたのに、MSUのマーチングが始まると観客は立ち上がって聴いていた。その扱いの違いは……。あと、相手方のバンドは試合中四時間、ずっとコートの傍に立っていた(かなりつらそう…)のに、MSUのバンドは観客席に専用の席があって座って観ていたしそこから演奏していた。そんなに差があって良いのか…?! やはりホームで試合するかアウェイで試合するかで全然雰囲気が違うんだろうなと思った。





すき焼き食べたくて作りました。美味しかった!アジアスーパー様様です。しかし生卵はこちらでは殺菌されてないので生食不可です。でも十分すき焼き! 醤油100 mLも使うんだなー 


Happy to be back in a choir!

A choir class started again!! I had been looking forward to this for 8 months. I met a retired faculty in veterinary science. It's always fascinating to meet a scientist from a different discipline. We met last year, but I was surprised that she remembered me (said "you work on beans!") in this 100+ voice choir.

I told her about my work and my upcoming comprehensive exams. She knew how hard it is - she took a similar qualification exam before to become a specialized veterinarian, and the questions were as broad as comprehensive exams. It's something that people just go though at some point in their grad school life. It was really nice to talk with someone who went through it.

It made me realize how smart people are readily identifiable. She asks good questions. 

Super excited to sing in harmony again in such a big group. The good thing is that we will only be doing short pieces, so hopefully I can stick to it. Two concerts are scheduled! 

Botanical garden 2 Shiny or Cloudy? 太陽光効果


Beautiful botanical garden!

Our plant sciences garden is full of flowers!! It is gorgeous and beautiful!