
松尾大社の山吹 Kerria at Matsu-no-o shrine

 22 km サイクリングして、松尾神社の山吹を見てきました〜満開はちょっと過ぎていたけど、まだまだじゅうぶん美しかった。ほんのり甘い香りがして、バラ科植物らしさも感じられる? 背後に聳える山が新緑に萌えていて、木々の生命力がみなぎる。境内はコンパクトで、庭は昭和の作というだけあり、近代的かつ機能的な趣。桂川にかかる松尾大橋も、山、川、空が一望できてとても綺麗だった。今日はすごい強風。まだまだ春らしい気候を満喫できそう!

I cycled 22 km to see kerria blossoms at Matsu-no-o Shrine - a little past full bloom, but still beautiful. It had a slightly sweet fragrance, from which I could sense the Rosaceous nature of the plant. The mountain behind the shrine is covered by lush, fresh green, and the trees full of life. The shrine is rather compact, and the garden is modern and functional, as it was created in the 1970s. The Matsuo Bridge over Katsura River is also beautiful, offering a panoramic view of the mountains, the river, and the sky. Strong winds shook my bike quite a bit on the bridge today. It looks like we will still be able to enjoy this lovely spring-like weather a bit more! 

いちごっぽいけど、白山吹だそう。looks like strawberry flowers, but it's actually white kerria. 

幹の凹凸に惚れ惚れ。Bumpy, zig-zag, 3D? bark. Amazing. 

The best pad shee yew noodles I've had in Japan! ドランクンヌードル、それに近いものに出会えた気がする。


Psychology Today: How Recent Demographic Forces Created the Solo Generation

This article on Psychology Today is very interesting. 

The UN suggested we should focus more on gender equality than population aging because the latter may cause pressure on women to have children, forcing them to set their dreams and careers aside.  This in tern may lead to increased number of unhappy parents and unhappy children, who will probably not be interested in having children themselves.  Can we just accept and embrace there are more singletons now? 

How Recent Demographic Forces Created the Solo Generation


Kyoto Rainbow Pride!

Went to Kyoto Rainbow Pride and walked with the parade despite rain today!  It was rather a small group compared to the gigantic one held in Tokyo, but still it was heartwarming to see people waving back to us.  We crossed big intersections because the police stopped all way traffic for us. It was a great teamwork to witness.  We  marched through Kawaramachi to Shichijo with rainbow flags and capes. And with so many people smiling and waving at us..  It was an empowering and emotional experience. Seems like it started last year.  Despite the rain, many people showed up even some kids.  Corporate sponsers and university clubs were there too.
It should be more than just a fun event but  a gathering for human rights, but yet it's helping to raise awareness.  Awareness and familiarity will help in the long run when we are about to change the laws. 

I heard a vegan festival held in Osaka was also rainy this year. Veganism makes me think.. if I claim our human rights to be treated well, then who are we to raise animals for consumption?  

My "excuse" is that it's okay to do so because we are at the top of the food chain as a human being, and it's natural that carnivores eat other animals.  Also, plants are living organisms too. Why just focus on animals? Sure plants don't speak, but they grow, move, and strive to live, if you observe them daily. Who are we to take the lives of them for out own sustenance? 

It boils down to the conclusion that we all have different views, thoughts, and priorities, formed from knowledge, experiences, and "biases" you have collected so far.  We may not agree with each other on everything all the time.  If so, then it's our up to build tolerance, respect, acceptance, understanding, coexistence, trying to find a middle ground or tactically avoid touchy subjects for peace.

I guess we will continue thinking, and modify our cations accordingly whenever we have new insights. And continue to be open.  


Sociology presentation about De Beauvoir at UURAF

"The Second Sex” - by Simone De Beauvoir

Modern feminist theory:

1. Intersectionality - take into consideration the different experiences in which women experience discrimination - economic class, race, religion, birthplace etc. -- Different groups need different intervention to correct it.

2. Post-globalization feminism - globalization (tree trade, free trade of capital) causes nations to be assimilated with western values, --> homogenization of cultures to match the dominant group of the system.  Liberal feminist in the west allegedly overstepped attempting to assimilate their diverse needs to reflect on their own.  This will not bring liberation but will further divide the global feminist movement and limit opportunities for intersectional discussion.


Cherry blossom viewing at the river

Another cherry blossom viewing day with friends on Kamo river.  It was such a beautiful weather.  Kyoto is so lucky to have the river, fast-flowing and very clean.  I am thankful to many people who cleaned and maintained the river which is central to Kyoto city now.



声かけといえば、東福寺からのかえり、JRの電車が止まって、しばらく30分くらい動かなかった。近くの駅で線路に人が立ち入ったため周囲の電車は非常停止命令が出たから、だそうで。私たちが立っていた向かい側で、白人の人が二人いて、落ち着いた様子だったのでアナウンスわかったのかな、どうかな、と私は思っていた。何度か状況説明のアナウンスがあったが、日本語のみだった。しばらく動かないということだけでも伝えたらいいかな?でも余計なお世話かな…とか思っていて、ずっと話しかけられなかったんだけど、電気系統を復帰するために、電車がちょっとだけ動きます、となって、ちょっとだけ動いて、「あ、こ、このタイミングで…!」と、勇気を振り絞って「翻訳は必要ですか…?」と話しかけたら、やっぱりアナウンスはわからなかったようで、状況説明したらとても感謝された。もっと早く声かければよかったな!私が躊躇していた間、彼らは何が起こっているのか分からず悶々としていただろうに。と思うと余計に恥ずかしかった…! 助けになるかどうか分からなくても、とりあえず声かけてみればよかったな。と思った出来事だった



Speaking of talking to people, on the way back from Tofukuji, the JR train stopped and did not move for about 30 minutes. According to the annoucement, it was because people had entered the tracks at a nearby station, and the trains running nearby had been ordered to stop for an emergency.  There were two white people standing across from us and they seemed calm.  I wondered if they understood the announcement or not.  There were several announcements explaining the situation, but only in Japanese.  Should I just approach them and tell them that we would not be moving for a while?  But I thought I did not want to be overly intrusive... so I couldn't talk to them for a long time, but then the train started to move a little bit to restore the electrical system. And that made me realize that it must have been very confusing if they do not understand what was just announced.  "Oh, here, at this timing...!" I gathered up my courage and asked them, "Would you like a translation...?"  I explained the situation to them and they thanked me for my help as they did not understand the announcement.  I wished I had spoken to them sooner! While I was hesitating, they must have been nervous, not knowing what was going on.  I was even more embarrassed when I thought about it..!  Even if I didn't know if I could help them or not, I should have tried to talk to them anyway.  I was protecting myself, not them.  It was an incident that made me think.

The defensive instinct from when I was a child still prevails (?), which tells me to be inconspicuous, blending in with others, so that I won't be a nail that stands out and gets struck.  I am still in a state of shock, really.  If I spoke to them, it was obvious that I would attract the attention of the passengers around me.  I mustn't let them think that I am proud of it, I mustn't.  I think I was governed by a kind of obsession from childhood. That even if I knew the answer, I had to pretend that I didn't, just to fit in.  As an adult, I don't have to think that way anymore.  By recognizing how many things that happened in the past are connected to the present, I can let it go, I so believe.

Japanese education teaches only two things: what you should do and what you should not do. There is not much opportunity to be asked or to think about what you "want to" do.  I read something, and it's really true.... History from militarism. Militarism itself came to an end, but  the mentality still exists, stand and strong. 


醍醐寺 東寺のかえる

醍醐寺、「醍醐の花見」と秀吉が言っただけあってものすごい数と大きさの桜たちだった…! 聖宝さんというお坊さん(開祖)が、871年ごろに創建。密教、東大寺とも関わりがある。山を上っていく奥醍醐まで行くと、一時間の山登りコースで、真の修験らしい…。冬場は14時で受付終了、安全のため。すごいなー。地形をうまく利用しているとうか、地域と共にあるというか。






石山寺 三井寺

三井寺。 広大な境内だった…!

天智天皇亡きあと、壬申の乱が起こり、敗れた大友皇子の皇子の大友与多王が、「父の霊を弔うために寺を創建し、 天武天皇から「園城」という勅額を賜わったことが園城寺の始まり」であるそうな。三井寺という別称は、ご利益のある霊泉が出ていて、御井と呼ばれていたことに関連するらしい。いろいろ由来がある。



石山寺。奈良の東大寺にゆかりがある。その名の通り、けい石岩の山の上に建っている。内陣は平安時代に作られたもので、その時代に作られた貴重な仏像が変わらず置いてあった。この一千年の長い間を、どんな風に見てきたんだろうか…  梅林があって、梅の季節がイチオシのようだ。庭も法堂も広く、ゆっくり散策時間がほしいところだ。

紫式部が籠って書き物をし、源氏物語の着想を得た部屋がある! 7ー10日くらい籠っていたのだそう。やはり、書き物合宿は千年の昔からあるようだ…。


Michigan という船の名前で、琵琶湖クルーズ船。まじすかーーΣ(゚◇゚;)

興聖寺 Koshoji Temple


Koshoji Temple is located on the opposite side of the Uji River from Byodoin temple.  Few people come here all the way, so it is very quiet.  The garden is well maintained, and there is a tatami room where you can sit and relax. It was more relaxing than Byodoin, which is very crowded with tourists.  I prefer this kind of place.


宇治と夜の清水寺 An excursion to Uji and Kiyomizu temple at night

三室戸寺 780年ごろ、光仁天皇の勅願により建立。千手観音菩薩を祀っている。千手観音はその無数の手で全ての人々を救ってくれるんだって。アジサイ園が綺麗だった。芍薬も咲き始め。蓮は鉢をひっくり返した状態で、根は生きているんだろうけどこれからまた生えてくるのを大事に育てるという感じなんだろうな。宇治川は美しかった。浮舟が身を投げたというが助かったとか。水流は比較的穏やか。水面にきらきらと光る日の光がとても美しかった。

Mimurotoji temple was built around 780 at the request of Emperor Konin. It enshrines the Thousand-armed Bodhisattva. The Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva is said to save all people with her countless hands. The hydrangea garden was beautiful with full of budding plants. Peonies were beginning to bloom. The lotus was in an overturned pot, and the roots are probably still alive, but I guess they are carefully nurturing them to grow again in the future. The Uji River was beautiful. Ukifune, a character in the Tale of Genji, threw herself into the river and survived. The current is relatively calm. The sunlight glinting on the surface of the water was magnificent.


We also visited the Tale of Genji Museum. There was a blind where you could see the other side from one side and nothing from the other side.... There was also a video showing the story with puppets. The story is a muddled tale of love and hate, so I thought, well...it's always the same that this kind of thing is popular. In these times, nobles had a struggle for supremacy and pressure on heirs, and their attendants were born only to work and serve... it must have been a different world from the one we live in today.


A villa of the Fujiwara clan was converted into a temple around 1053. It was built to pray for reincarnation to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in the next life, since the Latter Day Sect of Buddhism was in vogue. The floor and walls inside the temple are decorated with gorgeous ornaments. There are also some servants of the Buddha who fly in the sky on clouds and play musical instruments to lead us to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The musical instruments are like the five musicians of the Doll Festival. The whole hall is said to represent the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and it sure does.


夜の清水寺も行った! 覚悟はしていたけどすごい人だった。夕方から夜にかけて夕焼けも桜もとても綺麗だった。

We also went to Kiyomizu Temple at night! I was prepared for it, but there were so many people. The sunset and cherry blossoms were stunning in the evening and at night and made the hill-climbing worthwhile.

京都ハイアットの一回にある京都ビストロで夕食。ちょっと並んだけど、その甲斐あってとても美味しかった! 清水寺のふもとにある、これぞ京都!という場所にあるハイアットは、なーんと一泊50万円だった!!! 信じられんーー お金持ちはいるものだ…。

We had dinner at Kyoto Bistro on the first floor of the Kyoto Hyatt. It took a while to wait in line, but it was worth it.  The Hyatt, located at the foot of Kiyomizu-dera Temple, is the epitome of Kyoto, and it costs $5000 per night!  Unbelievable!  Rich people do exist...


