
Niigata 7 Winery by the sea!

3日目は念願のワイナリー! 海岸沿いの砂地と、山から吹き下ろす風はぶどう栽培にぴったりなのだそう。ワイナリーが点在する。カーブドッチワイナリーは、その筆頭的な存在で、ワイン、食品、パン、雑貨のお店、温泉、マッサージ、ブックカフェまである。ビーチリゾート風のカフェも。海岸まで歩いて25分くらいだった。だーれもいない、日本海の海岸。美しかった。海辺はやはり最高!! 対岸に見える佐渡島は半島かと一瞬思うほど巨大だった。どこまでも続く海岸線と、ワイナリー。オーストラリアを思い出した。白ぶどうを赤ワインの製法で醸したオレンジワイン、初めて飲んだ。ちょっとやはり草味?が。樽香も強かったので普通の白ワインとは違う感じ。駅から無料の送迎バス(25分)があったので、非常〜に助かりました!!

Visited a winery in Niigata, too.  The sandy soil along the coast and the wind blowing down from the mountains make the mid-western part of the prefecture perfect for grape cultivation. Wineries dot the area.  Cave D'occi Winery is the first of its kind, with stores selling wine, food, bread, and various crafts, as well as hot springs, a spa, two cafes.  It was about a 25-minute walk to the beach.  The empty beach on the Sea of Japan on a sunny and windy winter day!  It was gorgeous.  I'm a sea person, and being at the seaside is the best!  Sado Island on the other side of the coast was so huge that for a moment I thought it was a peninsula.  It is actually the largest island in Japan after Okinawa.  The endless coastline and wineries  reminded me of Australia. Also tried "orange wine" for the first timr, which is made of whole white grapes, fermented with stems and skin on. It has a bit of grassiness and also wooden barrel flavor.  Interesting..


Niigata 6 みかづきが運んでくれたご縁 Italian fried noodles - a conversation starter

夕ご飯は、イタリアンみかづきでテイクアウト。老舗人気店らしい。イタリアンと標榜しつつ…味付けは焼きそばだった。でもエビチリとか、きのこクリームソースとかかかってる。とても面白い!たしかに、クセになる味…かも…! 翌日、残りをホテルの電子レンジで温めて、それを持ってエレベーターに乗ったら、後で乗ってきた同い年くらいの女性が、「めっちゃいいにおいする」と話しかけて?ひとりごちて?くれたので、「みかづきです」と答えると、「ノーマル?」「いや、エビチリです」「あー、それはうまい。間違いない」「ほんと美味しいですよね」と話ができた。こんなに話しかけてくれる人、珍しい。きっと北米かオーストラリアで留学してたんじゃないかと予測。それにしても、話しかけるのに躊躇しない人柄なんだろうな。とても嬉しかった〜



We had a take out for dinner at Italian Mikazuki.  It seems to be a long-established and popular restaurant.  Although it claims to be Italian, the seasoning was Chinese fried noodles.  You can choose various toppings and sauce from Italian tomato, shrimp chili, and mushroom cream sauce.  Very interesting!  It was indeed an addictive taste...I think...!  The next day, I heated up the leftover in the hotel's microwave oven and took it to the elevator.  Then a lady hopped into the elevator I was in.  And she said, "It smells so good", like she was talking to herself, or she was talking to me.  I answered, "It's from Mikazuki," to which she replied, "Regular?"  "No, it's shrimp chili." "Oh, that's delicious.  No doubt about it." "It's really tasty, isn't it?"  We had a good, one-minute conversation.  It is rare for someone to talk to me like this in Japan.  I predict that she must have studied abroad in North America or Australia.  But still, she must have a personality that makes her not hesitate to talk to me even in Japan.  I was very happy that she did! 


Niigata 5 マンガミュージアムとラブラ万代 Manga Museum and LOVLA Bandai


We also visited the Niigata Manga Museum.  The author of Ranma 1/2, the author of Hikaru no Go, and the author of Chuka Ichiban are also from Niigata Prefecture!  It was interesting to see their artworks and stories about their upbringing, as well as the process of making manga and anime. The stores at LOVLA Bandai nearby were very easy to shop in, just the way I like them to be!  I fell in love with an ideal suitcase and waterproof boots there - both were just what I was looking for, so I bought them.  My friend said she was very amused when I told her that I was going to take my suitcase to the store to exchange it for a new one and have it disposed of. I had a different suitcase for the trip there and the trip back.  Sometimes I can be very decisive!


Niigata 4 へぎそば Hegi-soba noodles

それから新潟駅の蕎麦屋さんで、新潟在住のお友達オススメのへぎそばをいただく。「へぎ」とは、ザルのことで、ザルの上にひとかたまりずつに「つ」の字に並べるらしい。だから蕎麦の種類ではない…たぶん。ただ、そばの種類は、ふのりを混ぜ込んだ薄緑色の蕎麦で、普通のとは違う。さらに、「柿の葉そば」なる物もあった。食べてみたかった〜次回! キャリアとか日本の暮らしとか、将来の夢とかについて語った。こういうことを話せるって貴重な時間。


Then, we went to a soba restaurant in Niigata Station to have hegi-soba, which was recommended by a friend of mine who lives in Niigata.  "Hegi" means "colander," and it is supposed to be arranged in groups on a colander in the shape of a half oval.  So hegi does not refer to a type of soba... I think.  However, the type of soba we ate there was a light green color with seaweed mixed in, which is different from the usual type of soba.  Interesting..  There was also something called "Kakinoha Soba" (persimmon leaf buckwheat noodle), which is I imagine buckwheat noodles with persimmon leaf mixed in.  I wanted to try it but not enough room - next time!  We talked about our careers, life in Japan, the local culture, and dreams for the future.  It was a precious time to talk about such things, and I'm grateful that I have a close friend like her.


Niigata 3 せんべい王国 Rice cracker factory/shop visit

2日目はあいにくの雨。しかも雪国の冷たい雨。ニモマケズ、JR線それから15分程歩いてせんべい王国(米菓工場見学、ショップ)へ。気候が良ければ全然たいしたことないんだろうけど、雨・風・寒さでなかなかの道のりだった。前日手袋を無くしたので余計に。でも、行った甲斐あった!せんべいに手描きの絵をプリントして、それを自分で炙って焼くという面白い体験ができた〜 豆ちゃん✕新潟のコラボができてよかった。それにしても、手焼きの火元の熱いこと。汗ばむほどだったけど、冷えた身体にはちょうどよかった。でも手焼きの大変さがよくわかった。手焼きせんべい、高いわけだ。写真撮影係をしてくれた友だちに感謝〜こういうの、やっぱり複数人で行った方が楽しい。お店も変わり種のせんべいがたくさんおいてあって目移りするし、休日だったので製造ラインは動いてなかったけど、せんべい工場も見れたし。とても楽しかった〜

Unfortunately, it rained on the second day.  And it was a cold rain typical in a snowy/cold region.  We took the JR line and walked about 15 minutes to Senbei Kingdom (rice cracker factory museum and store).  It would have been no big deal if the weather was nice, but the rain, wind, and cold temperature made it quite a challenge.  I lost my gloves the day before, so it was even worse.  But it was worth it!  I had the interesting experience of printing my hand-drawn image on a rice cracker and roasting it myself - a great collaboration between Mame-chan and Niigata!  The fire was so hot that I was sweating, but it was just right to warm us up.  I could see how hard it is to bake rice crackers by hand.  No wonder hand-baked rice crackers are more expensive.  Thanks to my friend who was in charge of taking pictures.   These things are more fun when I have company, too. There were so many different kinds of rice crackers in the store that it was hard to choose which one to pick.  Although it was a holiday and the production line was not running, we were able to see the rice cracker factory setup.  It was a lot of fun!


Our creations!!

Curry bread and fried potato

You can draw on a rice cracker or print an image to one and hand-bake it. 


Niigata 2 すずやさんで乾杯 Dinner at a local restaurant

それから新潟のお友達と再会! 熱燗であったまり、野菜のたくさん入った「のっぺ」、カレーの味付けをした鶏肉の唐揚げ、ふきのとうの天ぷらなど、季節の名物をたくさんいただきました。日本酒がやはり多くてとても迷ってしまうーー! 「五百万石」という酒米で作られた酒が美味しかった。新潟の気候にあった、早稲品種。心白が大きいので麹が作りやすいが、50%以上の精白は難しい。五百万石と山田錦をかけ合わせて作ったのが、越淡麗。50%以上の精白にも耐え、超淡麗な酒も作れるようになった。育種の歴史がわかる。気候変動で夏が長くなっていることから、成熟期が真夏に当たらないよう、晩稲品種「新之助」を開発したという話も読んだけれど。それは、コシヒカリと作期がかぶらないようにという目的もあったかもしれない。

柳都古町 旬菜 すゞ家

Then we met again with a friend of mine from Niigata!  We warmed up with hot sake and enjoyed many seasonal specialties such as "noppe", soup with lots of vegetables, fried chicken seasoned with curry, and butterbur tempura.  There were so many sake on the menu that it was hard to decide which one to try!  The sake made from "Gohyakumangoku" rice variety was delicious.  It is an early-maturing variety suited to Niigata's climate.  Its large mid-white part makes it easy to make koji, but it is difficult to pearl it more than 50%.  "Koshitanrei" was created by crossing two varieties - Gohyakumangoku and Yamadanishiki, and it can withstand more than 50% polishing, making it possible to produce super-dry sake.  The history of rice breeding.  Interestingly, however, I have also read that the climate change has resulted in longer summers, so they developed a late-maturing  rice variety called "Shinnosuke" so that the ripening period would not fall in the middle of summer.  This may have been done to avoid overlap with the Koshihikari variety, the competitor, the most popular rice variety.


Niigata 1 寒空の下、今代司酒造 Sake Brewery tour in the cold

お友達と新潟旅行してきました! 4泊5日。新潟はやはり北国で、寒かった…! 後で知ったけれど、とても風の強い地域。日本のシカゴだな。おにぎり屋さんに行こうと思ったら、あと5分で間に合わず……。今代司酒造の見学ツアーを予約しておいたので歩いて行った。さむ。ツアーはとても良かった! 仕込みや熟成のタンクを間近で見られた。スリッパに履き替えたとはいえ、こんなに人をガンガン入れていてよく衛生管理できるなあと思ったけれど。酵母発酵する前の、麹が米を溶かした状態の甘酒が美味しかった。乳酸菌由来の酸味があるそうだ。酒粕を溶いて作る甘酒とは一味違った。帰りのバスは1−2時間に一本で、ぎょっとした。確かに、大通りからは外れていますが…! それでもあと15分すれば来る、というタイミングだったので乗ることにした。郵便局の入口のATMの中に入って、寒さを凌いだという…。この日が、気候に慣れていなかったこともあって一番寒く感じた。

Niigata is part of northern Japan after all, and it was so cold there! I found out later that it is a very windy area, too.  It's the Chicago of Japan.  We went to an onigiri shop, but we couldn't go in because we came just 5 minutes after they are closed!  Anyway, we took a tour of the Imadaiji Sake Brewery.  The tour was great!  We got to see the brewing and aging tanks up close.  Even though visitors changed into slippers, I wondered how they can take sanitary measures with so many visitors to the brewery each day. We tasted amazake, which was delicious.  It was made from the liquid that koji fungus had dissolved the rice, ready for fermentation by yeast.  It is said to have a sour taste derived from lactic acid bacteria.  It was different from amazake made by dissolving sake lees.  The bus on the way back only comes once an hour or two!  Sure, it is off the main street, but it is a symbolic proof that Niigata is a car-city.  We decided to take the bus anyway as it was coming in another 15 minutes.  We avoided the cold by going inside the ATM at the entrance of a nearby post office... A true lifesaver of the day...  This day felt the coldest, partly because I was not accustomed to the climate, and we walked a lot during the night.  

中華一番! 作者が新潟県出身だからなのだそう。すごいーー





つぐみが、気が弱く遠慮がちな派遣社員の涼太(現彼氏)との将来について悶々としているとき、上司の◯◯(名前忘れた…!)に、「君を幸せにする!」と直球に告白される。で、その解説文。「つぐみは心が揺れてしまいます。学歴も収入も、◯◯は涼太の比ではないでしょう。玉の輿に乗れるかもしれません。」って!! えらいここだけ時代錯誤ですなあ!? これは、「女性は経済的に男性に頼るもの」という潜在的な刷り込みを与えそう。ここだけがすごく残念だった。二人で稼げばいいじゃない。そのほうが対等になれるのに。結果、涼太に、「私と結婚する気あるの?」と勇気を出して聞いて、涼太の本音も引き出すことができ、婚約に至る。気になっていることは、悶々とするのではなく聞いてしまう、話はそこからだ。






*           *           *



美山 かやぶきの里 A day trip to Miyama

It was a perfect day for a day trip to Miyama, a village in the northern part of Kyoto prefecture. It is famous for houses with thatched roof.  They grow their own thatch, dry it, and make it into roof materials. They replace the roof once every 20 years. It's surprising how long-lasting it is.  The village has a lot to offer, a cafe, a pizza restaurant, a bakery, a folklore museum, many temples and shrines, a nature trail, and spots with nice view of the village and the mountains. Yura river runs fast, and it is totally clear and clean! It was truly a lovely excursion thanks to my friends who made it happen!! 

美山のかやぶきの里に行ってきました。車がないとなかなか行けない場所で、ずっと行きたかったので嬉しい。のどかな風景に、お店や食べるところや民俗資料館などもあって、川も透明度高く美しく、見ごたえがありました。桜の時期は超混むらしい。早めに行けてよかった。運転・案内してくれたお友達たちのおかげで実現しましたーありがとうございました!!  夜は抹茶ビールで乾杯! 彼らのやりたいことリストがチェックたくさんされていて良かったねーとみまもっています笑

A friendly dog at a pizza restaurant 

Indigo Museum is in the largest thatched house of the village.

Indigo workshop

Thatch is harveted yearly and dried.

Matcha beer!!!

Kyoto Tower Sando food court was busy.