
Oita 4 Onta, pottery and frid noodles 小鹿田焼と日田焼きそば!

日田までドライブして、日田やきそばをいただき、骨董品コレクションが並ぶ、小鹿田古陶館へ。今ではトレードマークになった「飛び鉋」以外の模様のある小鹿田焼や、その他芸術的価値の高い美術品が並ぶ。バーナード・リーチ氏が小鹿田に来窯した際に作ったという水差しも! 課題図書で読んでいたので、「ああ、これが…!」となって、すごく面白かった。

We drove to Hita, had Hita-style fried noodles, and then went to the Onta Antique Pottery Museum, which houses a collection of antiques.  The museum features Onta pottery with patterns other than the now trademarked "tobikanna" as well as other works of art of high historic and artistic value.  There is also a jug made by Bernard Leach when he visited Onta!  We had read about this in our "assigned reading", so it was very interesting to see the real thing depicted in the book. 

リーチ先生のつくった水差し! けっこう重たかった。 A jug that Bernerd Leach made when he came to Onta! 


This mill pounds and mills raw soil into kaoline clay.  No electricity needed, but it takes a month to mill such a small amount of soil.

博多駅の韓国料理屋さんで、タッカルビ定食を食べて大満足!! すばらしい旅でした…!
 I ate dakgalbi (Korean spicy grilled chicken) at Hakata Station. Yum!  It was a wonderful and memorable trip!! 


Oita 3 Nabegataki Fall 鍋ヶ滝!

鍋ヶ滝は裏が洞窟になっていて、裏から滝を見られる珍しい滝。阿蘇くじゅう国立公園を抜けて爽快なドライブをしながら、鍋ヶ滝で散策。緑濃く、森林浴ができる。オンライン予約で混雑対策済み。素晴らしいところだった! 私達それぞれ、着目するところが違って面白い。

Nabigataki Falls is a rare waterfall with a cave in the back where you can see the falls from behind.  We took an exhilarating drive through Aso Kujyu National Park and took a walk at Nabegataki Waterfall.  The area is filled with deep greenery and offers nice forest walk.  Online reservations have been made to manage crowds.  It was a wonderful place! It was interesting that each of us had a different focus on things - waterfalls, air quality, ferns, rocks, and tree roots.


Oita 2 竹田のお店とか Explored Taketa city

Taketa is a small city with a population of 17,000, but there are many 'immigrants' who came from outside Oita, and even outside from Kyushu island. The previous city official did a good job inviting and promoting immigration to Taketa. 

Our hostel, Cue, was also one of them - owned by a non-local person, moved from Chiba.  It used to be a residence of a rich, merchant family.  The house is big with three floors, and it was renovated into a hostel by volunteers and Machiokoshi (Japan revitalization group) participants!  It has a nice atmosphere with wooden floors, doors, and windows, with a closed garden inside.  Even the dormitory rooms were spacious, with individual bed partitioned with walls.  There is a shower room in the hostel, but also are three public hot springs that you could use for a few hundred yen.  The streets were well paved and clean, with lots of relatively new shops, restaurants, and cafes. It was a good mixture of old and new.  The key person was the previous mayor to have made Taketa famous and popular among domestic immigrants.

The coworker who is about to start renovating his machiya seemed to have gotten a lot of inspiration from the whole area.


Oita 1 博多から由布院、竹田へ Hakata to Yufuin and Taketa, A grown-ups' excursion!

遊び回っている3月4月! 大分県竹田市と日田市に行ってきました! きっかけは、コワーキングのメンバーの一人が、町家を買ってコワーキング&宿泊施設にしようと計画中で、お手本となるような建物を見たいということから。竹田にある、古民家を改装してホステルにしたところがいい感じだったよという別の人からの情報があり、じゃあ行きましょう! あと、日田市の小鹿田焼に関する小説を読んでいて、同じ大分県なので行ってみたい、となり、大人の遠足 in 大分と相成りました!その、小鹿田焼に関する小説「リーチ先生」は、今回の旅の課題図書となりました!



I've been engaging in so many activities in March and April!  I visited Taketa City and Hita City in Oita Prefecture with a few of my "co-workers"!  The reason for the trip was that one of our coworking members is planning to buy an old townhouse to turn it into a coworking and lodging facility, and he wanted to see model buildings for inspiration.  Another person told us about a place in Taketa that had been renovated from an old private house and turned into a hostel that looked like a nice mix of old and new, so we decided to stay there!  He was also reading a novel about Onta-yaki pottery in Hita City, and since we will be in Oita Prefecture anyway, we wanted to go there too. It was an excursion for grown-ups in Oita!  The novel about Onta pottery, "Mr. Leech," was the assigned reading for this trip!

We took a road trip - met at Hakata, rented a car, and drove from Yufuin to Takeda to Hita, and came back to Hakata.

I really enjoyed every moment of our trip.  Since we are all busy, full-time workers, though freelancers, I am very grateful for every one and everything that made this memorable trip possible.

Welcome drinks!!


六孫王神社と昼ご飯 Rokusonno Shrine and lunch at Piccoro



Haradani Garden 原谷苑


アクセスは、金閣寺近くのわら天神前から無料のシャトルバスが出ている。北大路バスターミナルから、M1系統のバスでも。M1系統は本数が少ないので、帰りはシャトルバスか、タクシー。南区からは一時間かかりましたが、行く価値あり!! 平日なのに結構な人だったので、土日はもっとすごいのかも。平日休みってやはりありがたいなー。

Haradani En garden is so huge and magnificent that you would wonder "Is this the size of a private garden?"  The garden is like a labyrinth, with a variety of seasonal flowers in full bloom.  The cherry blossoms are not the typical Someiyoshino but a deep pink, double-flowered variety.  There are also azaleas, mitsumata (Japanese honeysuckle), and Yukiyanagi (Thunberg's spirea), and more.  There is also a store selling drinks, Japanese sweets, and boxed lunches, which can be enjoyed on benches and covered rest areas placed throughout the garden.  It was an irreplaceable luxury to just sit back and enjoy the flowers in the clear weather.  Blue sky is the best background for cherry blossoms.

How to get there... a free shuttle bus leaves from Waratenjin-mae near Kinkakuji Temple. The M1 bus from Kitaoji bus terminal is also available, but the M1 bus is not frequent, so you want to take a shuttle bus or a cab on the way back.  It took an hour to get there from where I live, but it was worth the trip!  It was a weekday, but there were quite a lot of visitors there, and it probably is even more crowded on weekends.  I'm thankful for weekday vacations.