

After an acquisition comes restructuring....!! It's so sad to lose good friends from the projects. It can only be vaguely stated but it feels sad. Who is going to take care of this? We can't do this without you.. Often times I take it for granted, but having a meeting with the same members in a comfortable atmosphere is not something that is always there. It's something that I should cherish, and recognise the importance of. People come and leave... I know it's more common in other countries, but still hard to accept it so soon. I don't know what to say, but we will stay friends!







Cigarette regulation

Australia's introducing a new law to ban cardboard and stickers that hide disturbing images of smokers suffering from lung and tongue cancer. Those graphics are to raise awareness about the danger of smoking, so if it is covered by the stickers, it defeats the purpose. The companies that produce those cardboard and stickers said their sales soared, presumably because it made smokers feel less guilty and aware. There is an argument whether it skirts the anti-smoking regulation. The companies may face prosecution after the new law is implemented.

It is true that some people continue smoking no matter what the government do to discourage them. The more important thing is that non-smokers are not exposed to second-hand smoke so that they will not suffer from the diseases caused by the harmful fume. It is also the obligation of the government to protect non-smokers. First of all, any public indoor places should be smoke free or at least should have ventilated smoking cubicle, not those open-air "smoking area" where the smoke goes everywhere. Especially restaurants. Cigarette smells quite strong and it ruins the flavour and the taste of the meal not to mention that all customers are exposed to it whether they like it or not.

I saw some people on the street in Adelaide too and the smoke was spreading. hmm...



The hostage incident in Algeria reminded me that the war is still going on. I didn't even know that a Japanese company had business in the country far in Africa. The abundant natural resources are one of the causes of the battles happening here and there. How can we end this? What can we do about this?

I don't like it when they just focus on Japanese hostages and casualties. There are many non-Japanese people who have been kidnapped.

Singapore and Adelaide

I had a great time in Adelaide again last week. It was only a 3-day stay, but it was fruitful and enjoyable.

We took Singapore airlines and spent 8 hours waiting for the connecting flight to Adelaide in Changi Airport Singapore. There was a 20$-voucher given to passengers that took Singapore Airlines and had stopover at Changi! I bought a Starbucks mug with Merlion on it! The airport facilities were amazing as I heard from several people. There were many kinds of gardens (even a fern garden!) and free Singapore tour was offered too. We joined the tour and got to explore Merlion park for 20 minutes. It was my fourth time to be in Singapore, so it was like "Tadaima".

It was summer in Adelaide, and they are experiencing the record heat wave throughout the continent.  It reached 45C there in the previous week we arrived. So we were lucky, it was not too hot though the sunlight was very strong.

The two meeting went well, I guess. I prepared a meeting agenda and it turned out to be useful. We were able to cover all the topics necessary, and had a good time discussing many things. I have to write a meeting minutes, too. Compared to last year, I think I did better translation/interpretation. The background knowledge on technical stuff and knowing where the project is going are the critical things. After a day-long meeting, the professor said "Well, we have exhausted ourselves." Exactly, we did.

I have attended this annual technical meeting for three years with almost the same members, but one of the company has been acquired and some of the employees may be transferred to other cities in Australia. So we might not be able to have the same people to have a meeting next year, sadly.  I hope we will be able to get together despite everything. Well we will be coming from Japan, so why not coming from other cities within Australia? It won't be such a hustle, I hope.

On the way back, we had some time to walk around so we went to Cleland park, where you can see indigenous animals and plants. It took 30 minutes by taxi. The highlight was supposed to be "koala holds", but the sign said it was too hot to let us have a close look at koalas, unfortunately. Koalas were still there in their "house", eating the leaves of eucalyptus slowly. It was very hot outside. The fact that we were going back to Japan, where it is in mid-winter with the temperature almost freezing. We needed to change after coming back from the park. It was a very good, relaxing time after the meetings.

I love the relaxing and friendly atmosphere of Australia. Being able to visit the two favourite cities of mine, it was a fantastic trip!!!! I shall come back!        



今日コショウのグラインダーを買いに行ったら、容器が再利用できないタイプだった!!!(粒コショウを詰め替えられないということ) ショック…。粒コショウだけあって、グラインダーがなかったから、当然詰め替えられると思っていたのに。こじあけて詰め替えてみても良いけど、たぶん使えなくなるんだろうな。確認不注意…。。

でも、再利用できないグラインダなんてもったいない! なぜそんなものを作るのか? 粒コショウだけ詰め替えれば容器は何度も再利用できるではないか。ちょっと腑に落ちない。世の中、けっこう詰め替え品が多いというのに。

詰め替え品に関して、もうひとつ腑に落ちないのは、シャンプーとコンディショナーのボトルのセットが、それぞれを詰め替え用で買った場合より安くなっているということ。それじゃ、詰め替え&省資源を推進することになってない。しかもこのボトルセット、詰め替え用より容量が多い…。安くて大容量なら、当然そちらを買うでしょう。詰め替え用を排除したいのかと勘繰ってしまう。。だいたい、日本のシャンプーはボトル自体が小さい。海外では1 Lとかあるのに。重いけど、ボトルは大きいほうが省資源だし経済的なのになー。原油高でも価格を下げられないから、中身を減らしたり容器を小さくする戦法があるようだ。ふーむ。原油高・コスト高に消費者が理解を示さないと、消費者自身の生活が不経済になっていく気がする。


