

書き物スイッチが入ったのでぐあーっといろんなものを仕上げられた!大満足☆ スイッチが入るまで待つしかないのか、これをコントロールするいい方法ないかな、と思っている。ジムで走って頭がスッキリしたから良かったのかも。次回も走ったあと書いてみよう。



豆の模様面白い。これが加熱後なくなってしまうものと残るものがある。不思議。白い豆はやはり色素からの渋みがなくて美味しい! 野生の豆で白いものはないらしい。ということは色素は天敵から身を守るのに重要だったらしい。突然変異で白くなった個体を、人間が大事に育てた結果白い豆品種ができたようだ。昔から人は白いものに惹かれたというのが面白い。



Homecoming weekend fireworks

10月の最初の週末はHomecoming weekend で、母校を訪れる習慣があるらしい。卒業生をお出迎えする花火が10分くらいあった。花火を見るのは久しぶりだったのでうれしかった! 近い!ので音がすごい。人がすごくたくさん出歩いていたので、夜も安心して歩ける環境でした。まあ普段もそんなに危険は感じないのだけど。やっぱキャンパス近くに住むとこういったイベントを楽しめるのはいいな☆ 窓からも見られるし。





パスポート更新 遠隔地居住者のための申請制度




Bean snack tasting 豆のお菓子いろいろ

There was a casual, bean snack tasting the other day. There are many in the market - bean chips, crisps (thin crackers), roasted chickpeas, protein bars etc.. Peas and chickpeas are the two major ingredients for snacks. But what about beans? The biggest problem is that beans tend to split or break when cooked or roasted. Nevertheless, there were some fried bean snacks in East Asia too apparently.

ひよこ豆、えんどう豆からできているお菓子はけっこうある。インゲン豆は…まだまだ開発途中かなー。加熱したりローストしたりすると煮崩れて見た目が悪くなるのが最大の問題…解決策を見つけねば! 東南アジアには揚げたインゲン豆のお菓子があるらしい。ふむむ知らなかった。

A variety of snacks 

Usually, snacks have at least 6 g of fat in 28 g of serving. But this proudct only has 2.5 g! Crisps are a way to go to maximise the good feature of beans: very low in fat.  
普通のスナック菓子は28 g 中6 gが脂肪っていうことが多いのですが、このクラッカーみたいなやつは2.5 g  だった。インゲン豆の脂肪含量が低い(1%以下)ことを最大限生かすならこういう製品が良いと思うのだけど。

Red kidney beans are from Japan! They are used in salads and soups, not as snacks, but anyway they are very nice-looking, holding together well and retaining the bright color. Steamed chickpeas are also a great option for a healthy snack. However, some people did not like them because they tasted like undercooked. I did not think so, they were cooked just right. It's personal preferences, but generally in the US it seems overcooked things are preferred with pasta etc.
日本初レッドキドニーが! お菓子じゃないんですけどね… ゆでただけの豆はとてもヘルシーなおやつだと思う! 右はゆでたひよこ豆。私は美味しい!と思ったけど、「生煮えな感じ…」といまいちな反応な人も。その食感が良かったり悪かったりするわけですね。ここではパスタでもなんでも、煮過ぎていると思われるものが好まれる故か…。

Steamed beans are very healthy!

Deep fried bean snacks

They were a bit too greasy to me, but many people liked them. I guess this is the way to compete with potato chips? ポテトチップスに対抗しようと思ったら油路線でいくしかないのか…。模索は続く。



Autumn colors are at their peak!! Too bad it's the busiest season! But I want to go to UP next year, the peak season in UP is much earlier than in lower peninsula, so I need to plan ahead. 

The contrast of orange and green!


 16階にありました。川の向こうはカナダ! カナダの友達のとこにも遊びに行きたい。





Installed Fresh OS after getting several blue screen errors

Notes to self: To install Fresh OS!
Things to do beforehand
1. Download an antivirus installer and keep it in a USB flash drive so that you can install the antivirus software before connecting the refreshed PC to the internet.

To save new OS in a USB drive (8 GB or more required),
Go to https://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/sln299044/how-to-download-and-use-the-dell-os-recovery-image-in-microsoft-windows?lang=en
 and follow the steps of "Creating the USB recovery media" and then "Using the USB recovery media to install Microsoft Windows". When prompted to delete tpm, select delete.  This will take several hours.

After installing the OS, give it a plenty of time to set up, settle down, load, and ready to function. After initial sign-up, normal desktop screen will appear. Then;

1. Install antivirus software. Having more than one antivirus/malwarebuster/spiwarebuster is not a good idea. Don't forget to remove the media before doing the following steps because they may require restart. 

2. Settings --> Updates --> Check Windows Update. Let it download and install necessary updates. This may require restarting computer. Restart if necessary.
(After some search, I'm now not sure if it's really good. It is probably better to wait until prompted to install updates.)

3. Launch Dell Smart Assist (if not Dell, Windows key + R to start command prompt, then type devmgmt.msc ) to check if any drivers need updates.

4. Update everything. Restart if necessary. Give it plenty of time after restarting.
(After some search, I'm now not sure if it's really good. It is probably better to wait until prompted to install updates.)

5. Scan your PC using your antivirus software.

6. Go to Chrome store and install AdGuard AdBlocker and TrafficLight. Search "disney". If those are working properly, the official site of Disney should be the first one in the result, not other websites with ads. 

7. Download other softwares and use your PC normally.   

Notes on external hard drives:
You cannot remove (eject) it while the PC is on because external hard drives are considered to be what the PC should always be connected while it's on. So, leave it there and turn off PC, then disconnect the hard disc when the PC is off.
BUT do not turn on PC with the hard drive connected. This will lead to boot failure. No good.  

In short: turn off PC, disconnect hard drive, then turn on PC.

Red Lobster レストラン

Tried Red Lobster restaurant for the first time after irresistable urge to eat seafood convinced me and my friends! They had more shrip dishes than lobster ones. The lobster dishes were very expensive. But I was determined to have a lobster rather than compromising with shrimps. Lobster bisque soup was delicious; it really tasted like it, though it was heavy. I had too much of it probabily. The lobster tail was $11 just for the tiny piece... but it was worth it. It was simply steamed, so I put some salt and pepper. It was good.. no complaints. But I think I can eat fresher seafood for less in my hometown.. obviously. The shrimp dishes were good, too. 

Red Lobster

Red Lobster という海鮮レストランにお友達と行きました。常に魚介類不足。。(不足?)
ロブスターのメニューは2-3品?しかもものすごく高かった! 主にエビが看板メニュー。この店名でいいのか? エビやカニがちょこっと乗ったタコスやピザなどもあったが、私はロブスターをぜひ食べてみたかったので注文。スープにはきちんとロブスターの身が入っていたし、蒸しロブスターはシンプルながらまあ美味しかった。友達のエビ料理もよかった。でも……魚介類はやっぱり九州のが美味しい…(わかっていたはずですが)


The bread was like scone with bits of butter. Good restaurants often have complementary bread, which is tend to be the best.

Lobster bisque. 

Lobster tail.. simply steamed.

Rose with a pretty label! From France!

Green beans didn't stay green..

Before and After

Cooking green bean (but not green beans that you eat fresh) tunred out to be pale yellow beans... Too bad! How can we make beans retain their color after cooking??



El Oasis

メキシカン料理はとてもおいしい。とくにご飯とリフライドビーンズの組み合わせが最強… 和食とはまた違った美味しさ。




秋の気配 Advice from a lovable old driver - an encounter in a million.


While I left my car for an oil change at the dealer, a driver gave me a ride. He was a very kind, gentle person. He said "I love this job because I get to meet many people". He retired from GM 5 years ago and he runs errands at this dealershop, giving people rides, picking up ordered parts, delivering documents to SOS, banks, etc. He talked a lot about his hobby on checking on cars and making radios. He was humble; he said his wife was happy that he works and he is not home. and he has 16 people that asks him to do things. The 10 minute ride was enough to know that he is a sincere person with a lot of experience, loves interacting with people, and despite everything, he adores and he has hope in people. I felt my eyes welled up. He said "I love this job, and I want to continue this job as long as I'm healthy enough to do that". After I told him that I was working on dry bean genetics,  he asked me "And how are you going to make money after that?" as a genuine question. It did not sound like he was mocking about my job at all; only a person with no arrogant mind can ask such a question without being offensive. When I told him that I was from Japan, he said he had had many Honda motorbikes, and they were all great. Everytime I tell someone that I'm from Japan, they would tell me how good Japanese products are. I am fluttered and happy to hear that.

So since he said he loves people, I asked "How do you cope with someone that's arrogant, or busybody, or just difficult to deal with?" half out of curiosity, and half in need for good advice. He answered with a sincere face: "Well, you sometimes need to say it in the face. It happens that someone will treat you with respect only after you take a stance." That is kind of true. People may want to take advantage of you. Especially men tend to think that women are dumb. So you need to show that you are not. You need to say that you need to be treated with respect. If he is nagging you, disrespectful to you, or rude, then you need to say that it's not acceptable. Sometimes men are not smart enough to know that. That was funny - it is men that who think women are dumb, but they are the ones who are dumb! (Apologies for my sexist remarks; won't happen again outside his logic.) We need to stand up - silence is obedience -- "Sound like you are mad. You may have to force yourself." He showed explicitly how to say it in the face. With dignity and determination. It was a precious encounter - never expected to have such valuable advice from a driver - appreciate it. I hope he will be long healthy and keep busy. And I hope to see him again soon.  







Notes to install Plugin Manger on Notepad++ to use NppFTP

Note to self:

This site is very useful!

But the instruction is not detailed enough. When you first install Notepad++, you need to do the following in order to use NppFTP to connect to HPCC.

If you want to add the plugin manager manually to your fresh 7.5.1 install:
1. Download it here:
(UNI for 32bit and x64 for x64bit installations, choose the same version as your Notepad++)

2. Extract the zip file and there should be two folders: plugins and updater. 
3. Copy PluginManager.dill file and paste it into C:/Program Files(x86)/Notepad++/plugins (not in a folder, just pate the file there). 
4. Similarly, copy the gpup.exe file and paste it into C:/Program Files(x86)/Notepad++/updater folder. 
5. Then start Notepad++, you should see Plugin Manager now in Plugins tab. Through Plugin Manager, you will be able to install the plugin you want: NppFTP to connect to HPCC etc.

To generalize: download plugins form a valid website. You will get plugins and updater folders. Copy and paste the contents to the appropriate locations in C:/Program Files(x86)/Notepad++. Then go to Notepad++ to see the plugin is now available to use. 

     If you want to add it automatically:
     (An option if you have not installed Notepad++ yet) 
     download and install version 7.3.3:
     and then download and upgrade it with the latest version:

To connect to HPCC
Plugins --> Plugin Manager --> NppFTP --> Show NppFTP Window -->
Click the settings icon --> Profile setting --> 
Add new (lower left corner) --> Name your connection -->
Type your information in the Connection tab.
Your connection will be linked and available.