
知恩院 Chion-In temple

しかし、今日は貸し切りだった友禅園では「舞妓と紅葉」なる写真撮影イベントが行われていたので、そこでは素晴らしい紅葉だったのかもしれない…。プロ並みのカメラ機材を取り揃えた人たちが、舞妓さんの準備時間の間、外で待機していた。1セッション 9000円x2。ガチのカメラ小僧たちである…。知恩院は広大な敷地!人も少なく、落ち着いて見て回れた。豪華すぎる、御影堂! 

Chion-In temple sits in the middle of the bustling area of Shijo, but inside it is quiet and calm, and you see plenty of nature.  All the buidlings in the temple are huge.  I heard priests' chanting prayers, behind whom (probably local public) also praying for the deceased, and they are all surrounded by tousists who just want to take a look at the ritual inside the huge and prosperous Mieido-building. 

One of their gardens, Yuzen-do, is famous for autumn foliage, and I wanted to see it. But it was closed for public because of a photoshoot sessions of Maiko and colored maple leaves taking place at that garden.  There were a lot of photographers, either amature or professional, waiting outside for Maiko to get ready.  Everyone had a full-spec, heavy, and long camera on their neck, ready to catch a precious subject with seasonal background.  I was amazed how many gather here on a Sunday morning just for this. 

蹴上にも寄り道。ちょっと紅葉は遅かったなー 来年に期待! Keage Incline was the only place near Keage/Nanzenji temple where red maple leaves were still on the trees.  Most of them had already fallen.  Autumn passed so quickly before I knew it, but there's always next year.

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