

So busy with troubleshooting...
It's none if our fault yet people talk as if it was. It's sad, unreasonable, and frustrating. It takes this whole week at least to deal with everything necessary.

Sigh... What's the motive of causing so much trouble to this small company in the countryside??? We are all furious!!

So why one can be so moody?
A friendly smile just after yelling is totally incomprehensible. How come are you shouting at him for such a small thing? The way he scolds at him is not out of kindness or good will to teach his report; he just let his anger explode the way he likes. What makes worse is that it's totally unknown what makes him angry, even a very trivial thing that seems to be nothing to us can. Urgh..
A leader, especially in this emergency, should be extra tolerant and kind so that the employees will unite to tackle the problem as a whole. His attitude makes everyone even more uncomfortable and frustrated. It seemed insane to me. The question is how to deal with it. Talking back just fuels his anger when he's screaming illogically. How can one be so mean and ignorant to other people's feelings? It's sad that he will be avoided for the reason he will never know, though.

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