
Passed my comps -- hindsights and hopes

I'm glad I passed my comprehensive exams. Comps in my department are 4 written exams followed by 1 oral exam given by 4 professors in one's PhD advisory committee. They can ask ANY questions related to your research area.

It was a tough, months-long journey without really knowing how deep or how broad I should study. But I learned so much through this process, not only specialized knowledge but also how to think to apply it. It also motivated me to be better at communicating my thoughts. It's a challenge for me because it's related to personality and culture as well.

But it was a different feeling than giving a presentation - it was more like a conversation. IF I had known everything, I would have been comfortable. But I was not... review materials till the last minute, trying to memorize all the papers I read. I had only 2 hour of lying down on bed (of which 1 hour I slept) the night before. It's a rare situation that you have to answer questions on the spot without looking at anything in front of four people evaluting you. But it pushes you to the limit and that is the only way that you go to the next level, I suppose.

It's a challenge to all aspects of my life - not only remembering and summarizing, but also it was about planning, balancing with work, prioritizing, keeping mental sanity, asking around, asking for help, having discussions to deepen your expertise, building strategy, applying knowlege to real world, REALLY having a thorough understanding on many, seemingly simple things and being able to explain them in your own words.

The exam revealed things that I do not know, and need to know. The more you read papers, the more things you find you need to know. Only reading and accumulating information can lead you to think better. It's really a continuous effort. That is actually the best part of being a researcher - so I think as an ex-company employee because workers have to spend most of their time following protocol to achieve maximum efficiency.

Overall, it was a valuable experience that exemplified "No pain, no gain". My lifelong learning continues.


自分の考えを人に伝える難しさを痛感した試験でもありました。すらすら話ができる人はどうやっているんでしょう。これは言語とは別の問題だと思います。効果的に話ができるようになるには何をしたら良いのか…道のりは続きます! とりあえず、昼夜も週末もなしに勉強する生活からは解放されたので満喫しますーー


全くもって記憶効率が悪い… だいぶ馴れてきたしポジティブに捉えようとしてるけど、やっぱり、ここまで忘れると、研究やっていけるのかと不安になる。興味のある分野じゃないからかな。

筆記で書いたことを聞かれるってわかってるのになんで筆記の補強を後回しにしたんだろ? 前日に詰め込みまくって2時間睡眠のハメになった。



どうしたら論理的に、詰まらずに、スムーズに説明ができるんだろ。ほんと謎。口ベタの上にtimid です。完全に理解していない半分、説明下手半分な気はしますが。



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