
"Tube" of London ロンドンの地下鉄


チューブに乗ってて面白かったのは、方角を知っていればすごく乗りやすいということ。電車の線が縦に伸びていて、現在地から見て南の方にある場所へ行きたかったら、southboundのホームへ行けばいい! 普通だったら、このホームの列車は最終目的地がここだから、この方向に行くから、よし、目的の駅を通る! と確認しないといけないが、ロンドンでは地下鉄の路線図を見た時点でどのプラットフォームに行けばいいかわかる。混雑防止の観点からもとても便利。もっと多くの国で採用してもいいんじゃないだろうか。地下鉄があまりにくねくねしていたら使えないかもしれないけど。もちろん、プラットフォームには通過駅も書いてあるので二度確認もできる。



The tube District line was closed due to engendering work, so I went to Buckingham palace on another line. It's funny they call the subway "tube", but you'll get it if you see it. The tunnel and the trains are tube-shaped, and the both ends of the train are curved and shorter. Tall people can hit their head against it. I wonder why they didn't make it square. Because of some technical limitation at the time it was constructed? Surprisingly, the tube is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. No wonder there's constant engineering work going on and planned ahead.

It was another surprise that I had to know whether I was heading to north or south, or east or west. The platforms are marked as Eastbound or Westbound etc. It seemed troublesome at first, but as I got used to it, I found it more convenient. You have to be sure about the direction you are going anyways, and find the right train that goes to that direction. The convenient aspect is that you don't have to find the train's last destination on the map, which is often difficult. Whether you want to go north or south is the only thing you should know, and you'll be on the right platform to wait for the right train! Very clever! I think this system should be introduced in other countries so that tourists can easily find their way.

Baker Street station has Sherlock Holmes on its tiles!!

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