
Visiting students 学部2年生と夕食

I had an opportunity to meet with some students from Japan. The majority of them are 2nd year undergrad students studying agriculture. In the first week of their two-week program, they take English classes in the morning and have free time to explore in the afternoon. It reminds me of the English course I took in Seattle. The second seek, which is what they are getting into now, highlights some laboratory visits. The first impression? OMG they are so young!!! They look like high school students. They dress nice. It seemed like they are keeping up well with the programme, curious about graduate school in Japan and abroad, getting a job, choosing laboratory, thinking about what they want to do in the future. I got to meet them because today's tour to Lake Michigan was cancelled due to rain. They had to kill time somewhere, as the organiser from the university had no alternative plan. It was astonishing to me, kind of, that this 10-year age difference makes such a big difference in the way of viewing the world. They are in a very very early stage of their career development, anything's possible. Their canvas is plain bright white. They have already some experience like working and travelling abroad like this, but they will go through so many more things.. It was impressive that one of the students is taking English lesson 45 min every day at school. There is a special plan for that, daily English lesson for just 100,000 yen for a year. It is a great investment!! I wish I had such an offering at my university! I cried. They are shy, reserved, and a bit passive, but seemed like they have their own thoughts on things. It may have been a good experience - plan cancelled and left on their own - because this is typically what is going to happen if they come to the US, or many other parts of the world, probably. There is no over-service found in Japan. Anyway.. it was a "wow" experience to meet them, startled at the vast potential and possibility they have right now. I wish them all the best.

当大学に2週間来ているという日本の大学の農学部二年生たちに会う機会があった。第一印象は……わっか!!高校生に見える。10歳違うだけでこんなに違うのか、という驚きと戸惑い。それは見た目だけではなく、中身も。彼らの将来は可能性に満ちていて、真っ白なキャンバスだ。もうすぐ研究室配属になるらしく、どこが良いかとか、将来何がしたいか、大学院に行くなら日本か海外か…など、考えることはたくさんのようだった。今日はミシガン湖にいく予定だったが雨のため中止になったとのことで、急遽夕食を大学街でともにした。当大学の担当者は、雨天時の計画を特にたてていなかったようで、じゃあまた明日ね、と言って帰ってしまったらしい。いかにもアメリカ。日本みたいに至れり尽くせりではないということを経験できた良い機会だったね、と言っておいた。こちらでポスドクをしている友人も、こちらでは基本放置だから、自分でいろいろ決めて動いてみないといけない、ということを言っていた。思えばそれが最大の違いかも。積極性はきわめて大事!!と私がいえたことではないが、それに気づくだけでも重要と思う。でも、彼らの中のひとりは、大学が提供している毎日45分の英語の授業を受けているらしい。(一年間10万円という破格!) やっぱり興味のあることは自分で見つけてやるという姿勢がとても大事。その子は別の大学の研究室の実験補助のアルバイトにも行っていて、海外で研究しそうな感じ。いいね! 


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