
Roses and curry in Osaka!!

ひさっびさの大阪に繰り出してきました! 大分銀行大阪支店あったー

京阪電車便利! 北浜は金融街、そこから西に向かうと製薬会社がたくさんあるエリアだった。そいで御堂筋について、きれいなイチョウを眺めつつ銀杏を踏まないように足元も見る忙しさ。

オフィス街の方々が入れ代わり立ち代わりランチを食べていくIndian curry でハヤシライスをいただき、中之島まで歩いて秋薔薇を愛でてきた!秋薔薇はひとえに手入れの質がものを言うそうで、素晴らしくお手入れされてるんだな。中之島の公会堂は大正時代に建てられたそうで、何度見ても浪漫を感じる。

途中、五代友厚像と緒方洪庵像を見て、五感というお菓子屋さんにも寄り道しながら、久闊を叙することができ、短時間だったけど大充実だった!! これからの関西生活楽しみだなー

Went to Osaka city to run an errand and also to see a long time friend.  Osaka has the right balance of excitement of a big city and the beauty of nature and a relaxing atmosphere.  The Nakanoshima island floating in the river in the middle of the metropolitan area provides a refreshing park with a spacious garden.  The prefectural building is also an interesting architectural work that's pleasing to see.  Those are the things I like about Kansai in comparison to Kanto area.

It had still felt surreal to not be in Michigan anymore.  For the last few days, I was sort of catching up with the events that happened to me for the past couple months with many times of moving and writing, both of which had time pressure.  This many changes in such a short time were harder to digest than I anticipated. Well, maybe I anticipated so.  But having gone through all of it and almost settled down in Kyoto (for now), finally I started to feel like I 'got' the fact that I came back.  And it's funny that I felt that in Osaka, not in Kyoto.  It's like the feeling of "really feeling it as a reality".   No punch line to this part of the story, but that was a special realization for me, that I wanted to make note of. 

The weather was nice just after rain.  The sky was dazzling.  So were the fluffy clouds.  I saw a big rainbow on the way home in the train.  Look up and be hopeful, so it said.  Wonder how many noticed it with many of the curtains closed and with many of the passengers' eyes glued to their devices.  


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