
モネ展 中之島美術館 100% Monet, Nakanoshima Art Museum

行ってきました!! オープン二日目、連休中日ということもあり、ものすごい人出。モネ人気をなめてましたわ。進まない列を、押されながらも、じっくり鑑賞。印象派と称される以前の、わりとリアルな絵を描いていた時代がモネにもあって、面白かった。初夏のセーヌのほとりのパリの様子を描いたものも素晴らしかった。




Went to the Monet exhibition taking place in Osaka now.  There was an incredible turnout as it was on the second day of the opening and during the holiday weekend.  I underestimated the popularity of Monet.  Despite being pushed by others while in the non-moving lines, I took my time to admire the artworks.  It was interesting to see Monet's earlier works, which were relatively realistic before he was dubbed an Impressionist.  The ones depicting early summer scenes along the Seine in Paris were also magnificent.

An exhibition like this is rare which focused solely on one artist, titled "100% Monet".  It's intriguing to compare Monet's life with the paintings he created at different times.  It might just be hindsight from future generations, but there are plenty of speculations from outsiders which try to relate artists's thoughts, circumferences, and their works.  Like when Faure wrote a Requiem when his parents passed away one after the other, people wondered, "Was it dedicated to his parents?" or "Did he opt for a lighter style from the traditional solemn and mournful Requiem of the time because ...?"  However, only Faure himself knew the true intention.

Anyway.  The exhibition shop also had an extremely long line stretching all the way down the stairs.  It felt a bit overwhelming, so we did not join the line.  Most of the goods can be purchased online too!

The area around Nakanoshima is urban but feels refreshing with its wide open skies.

Waterloo Bridge, London, at Dusk  1904

Waterloo Bridge, London, at Sunset  1904

Here are waterlilies developing into Impressionism on a timeline~

Nympheas  1897-98, Giverny.  Not yet dotted, Impressionist-like style. 

Water Lily Pond  1907, Giverny

Water Lilies  1914-17, Giverny

Waterlilies, Reflections of Weeping Willows  1916-19

Water Lily Pond, 1918 

Study for the Wisteria  1919-20

There's something (someone?) Inside the door! 

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